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Tech (75)


The State of B2B Germany Tech in 2019

If I say Germany, you likely think of luxury cars and dark beer; not a bad reputation to have.


The State of B2B U.K. Tech in 2019 (+100 Best Companies)

From the mechanical pencil in 1822 to Dolly the sheep in 1996, the United Kingdom (U.K.) has been a...


The State of B2B Netherlands Tech in 2019

Christmas arrived early in the Netherlands — late, actually (the Dutch celebrate on December 5) —...


The State of B2B Tech 2019: European Countries

We have compiled data on Europe’s B2B tech scene and the top European Companies involved.


Why You Need an RSS Feed for Your Podcast (+How to Make One)

The method of getting your podcast out to the world might not be the way you think.


How to Become a UI Designer (+Salary Expectations)

Turn your passion projects into a full-time job.


What Is an RSS Feed? (+ How to Get Started)

Let us inhale the vapors of the Sacred Tree and pull back the mists of time to reveal one of the...


The 4 Most Important Big Data Programming Languages

Programming languages, just like spoken languages, have their own unique structures, formats, and...


How to Create a Strong Password (+Commit It to Memory)

An alert I often get when I’m signing up for a new account is, “Your password isn’t strong enough.”

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