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Tech (63)

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Behind-the-Screen Technologies That Make Augmented Reality Work

Facebook. Apple. Gucci. Toyota. Adidas. YouTube. Starbucks. IKEA. The list goes on.


Deciding on .Net vs .Com: Which Option Is Right For You?

One of the most fundamental decisions about launching your online presence is how to position your...

Contributor Network

6 Mistakes Beginner App Developers Make

If you’re familiar with the world of software development, you might have come across the acronym...


Top 50 B2B Tech Companies in the Chicago Area

It’s no secret that an increasing amount of companies are choosing to call Chicago home.


#G2Fireside Twitter Chat Roundup: Big Data in Marketing

There are few things marketers love more than data.

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How AI Can Enhance Business Lead Generation Efforts

For businesses, success or failure can be traced to a variety of factors.


What Is Biometrics? (+How it Works, Types, & Pros and Cons)

When I was a kid, I could tell if it was my mom or my dad walking up our stairs.


The 13 Most Prominent Video Game Publishers in the World

You know the saying, “money makes the world go round.” In the gaming industry, it takes...

Contributor Network

4 Practical Benefits of Government Software Integration

Software integration has numerous benefits, all of which can significantly improve an...

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