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News (2)


How G2 Fueled Newswire’s Earned Media Advantage Guided Tour Launch

Getting into your customers’ minds is tough.


Microsoft For Nonprofits – Tech Giant Goes All In On Charities

The nonprofit sector is getting a serious tech upgrade.


Up to 20 States to Begin Antitrust Investigations into Big Tech

No other industry today has seen such rapid growth quite like the tech industry.


#G2Fireside Twitter Chat Roundup: Content + Data

#G2Fireside Twitter chat took to discussing content and data this last week.


The Snapchat Logo Update: Why Bold Might Not Be Better

This week, Snapchat gave their logo a very slight refresh.


#G2Fireside Twitter Chat Roundup: Chatbots + AI

Another week, another exciting #G2Fireside Twitter chat.


#G2Fireside Twitter Chat Roundup: Social Media + Tech

Welcome to our first-ever #G2Fireside Twitter Chat roundup!


What Is FaceApp? The Technology Behind This AI-Enabled Mobile App

Celebrities are doing it, your family is doing it, and so are your friends.


Google Translate’s Instant Camera Now Detects and Translates More Languages

In April 2006, Google launched Google Translate, an app that started out as an online-only machine...

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