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Marketing (89)


7 Killer CX Strategies for 2019

With the competition steeper than ever, brands must find a way to differentiate themselves and earn...


9 Ways to Spot a Fake Review (+How Amazon is Fighting Back)

From the FTC to Amazon, and even Jimmy Fallon, everyone’s talking about fake reviews.


30+ Generation Z Statistics That Will Make You Say “It Me” in 2019

Chances are that you don't live under a rock, so you're aware that generations are a buzzword in...


What Is a Transactional Email? A Complete Guide

Transactional emails are much more than simple thank you messages and order confirmations.


What Is an Online Marketplace? Definition, Examples, and Benefits

The concept of a marketplace dates back to 3,000 BC, when a marketplace was simply a physical place...


Reddit Marketing: How to Promote Your Business

Reddit is a platform full of opportunities.


45 Must-Read Snapchat Statistics for 2019

The social media platform Snapchat has come a long way since it’s launch in July of 2011.


What Is a Position Statement (+How to Write One)

Your company’s position statement, in essence, should capture everything your business is and does...


What Is Hyperlocal Marketing? 10 Localized Growth Strategies

Hyperlocal marketing is growing at a rapid pace; it's evident by the number of companies that have...

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