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Marketing (84)


Awesome Brand Positioning Statement Examples (+Template)

Position your brand for success.


What is Email Click-Through Rate? (+How to Calculate and Maximize It)

Anytime you send an email, you of course want to know how your recipients are reacting to it.


YouTube Analytics: Understanding Your Real-Time Metrics

Did you know that YouTube is the second most browsed website in the world?


How to Calculate and Maximize Email Conversion Rate

Every email in your newsletter carries an end goal.


8 Expert Tips on Diversity and Inclusion in Public Relations

Diversity and inclusion efforts cannot be run by HR anymore.


What Is Content Keyword Mapping? (+How To Identify Keywords)

Content keyword mapping is the on-site art of identifying and assigning keywords to specific pages...


What Is a Request for Tender? Examples and Templates

Writing a request for tender (RFT) ought to be one of the easiest parts of launching a project.


What Is Retail Execution? (+Effective Strategies to Manage It)

When’s the last time you made an impulse purchase? Chances are it happened within the confines of a...


A Comprehensive Guide to Instagram Analytics: Listen to Your Audience

Math can be hard, but analytics doesn’t have to be.

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