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Marketing (109)


Five eBook Formats and How to Find the Best Style for You

So, you’ve conquered the question of “What is an eBook?” You’ve figured out how to make an eBook,...


The Perfect Facebook Cover Photo Size (+ Good Cover Photo Practices)

They say you can’t judge a (Face)book by its cover (photo).

Contributor Network

Lead Generation in a Startup: Inbound, Outbound, or Brand Awareness?

In, out, or shake it all about?


4 Stellar Social Media Campaigns from 2019

If you’re not on social media, does your brand really exist?


The Perfect YouTube Thumbnail Size in 2020 (+Templates, Best Practices, and 40 Thumbnail Examples)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.


What Is Instagram Marketing? (+7 Instagram Posts That Perform)

Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has taken the social media world by storm. Its loyal users...


How to Create a YouTube Channel (+Gain Subscribers!)

Chances are you’ve watched more than one or two YouTube videos in your lifetime.


How to Write a Press Release for an Event (+Distribution Plan)

So, you’re hosting the event of the century. You’ve planned it down to every last detail, and you...


What is an eBook? Understanding Why They Work and How to Make Your Own

We live in the age of electronic everything.eCommerce, eBanking, eTickets, eGift Cards,...

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