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Industry Insights (9)

Industry Insights

Alteryx CMO Keith Pearce on How to Balance Automation and CX [Video]

Automation is here to stay, and you have to use it wisely.

Industry Insights

6sense CMO Latané Conant on What ABX Really Means [Video]

It’s time to tell the market, “It’s not you. It’s me.” Like, for real.

Industry Insights

Redefine ROI and Win Deals Faster With This New ROI Framework

Not redefining ROI yet? There's still time to adopt a new understanding of ROI that can influence...

Industry Insights

Record, Remaster, Reuse: Inside Scoop on the Podcast Software You Need

When I started podcasting six years ago, everything was manual.

Industry Insights

G2’s CPO Sara Rossio Shares the Secret to an Innovative Product Team

Think about your favorite product.

Industry Insights

The Economy Sucks Right Now. Make Sure Your CX Doesn't.

Everyone’s been whispering that dreaded word - recession - for at least a year. And now that we’ve...

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