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Contributor Network (38)

Contributor Network

Customer Service Automation: Put Everyday Support on Autopilot

Most aspects of our life can be automated today, and customer service is no exception.

Contributor Network

What Is E-Commerce Automation? How It Unites Efficiency and CX

Great customer experience (CX) always drives revenue.

Contributor Network

Top 6 SaaS Trends to Keep an Eye On in 2023

When it first came on the scene in the 1990s, software-as-a-service (SaaS) was a means to...

Contributor Network

What Is Advocacy Marketing? Let Your Customers Speak for You

Customers expect a frictionless, personalized experience.

Contributor Network

What Is E-Commerce Marketing? 13 Tips to Attract More Customers

E-commerce marketing helps your business grow, increases sales, and builds brand awareness.

Contributor Network

What Is Invoice Processing? How to Expedite Vendor Payments

Supplier crossovers are the new business order.

Contributor Network

How to Make a Business Case for Board Management Software

Board management software (BMS) adoption is crucial for any business strategy.

Contributor Network

The Impact of E-Commerce Inflation on Buying and Consuming Habits

Concerns about inflation have greatly affected competition in e-commerce.

Contributor Network

What Is Alert Fatigue? 4 Ways to Mitigate It and Prevent Burnout

Beep, beep, ding, ding – the origins of alert fatigue.

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