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Savings Calculator: A Quick Way to Project Savings

September 16, 2019

Whether you're saving up for a big purchase or a rainy day, you're going to need a plan.

Luckily, you don't have to calculate compound interest on your own. Using a tool can help you iron out all the hypotheticals when it comes to your savings account.

How to use the savings calculator

Use this savings calculator to find out how much your monthly contributions can grow over time. All you have to do is fill out the fields below. Enter your starting balance (this value could be zero) and how much you want to contribute monthly. From there, select a time frame and enter your bank's annual interest rate.

It's as simple as that! No number-crunching necessary.

Starting Balance: $

Monthly Contribution: $

Time to grow (years):     

Annual Interest Rate (%):     

Compounding:      Monthly         Quarterly       Yearly

End Balance: $


Note: This tool is intended for personal use and will not provide the best savings estimate for businesses. If you're a small business owner, consider investing in a more advanced solution, such as small-business accounting software, to keep track of your financial resources.

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Savings calculator definitions

Reference the definitions below if you're having trouble finding what values to plug in to the calculator tool:

Starting balance: the current balance in your savings account

Monthly contributions: the amount of money you will put into the account on a monthly basis

Time to grow: the amount of time you have to save

Annual interest rate: the interest rate applied to your savings account

Compounding: how often interest is paid and re-invested into your savings account

Money in the bank

Starting a savings account is a smart financial move, even if you're starting with zero dollars in the bank. Now that you know how much your savings can grow over time, it's on you to make it happen. Remember that it's never too late to start forming smart spending and saving habits.

If savings are on your mind and you're asking yourself "how much should I contribute to my 401k?", click through to learn more about retirement savings.

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Savings Calculator: A Quick Way to Project Savings With this simple savings calculator, you can quickly find out how much to contribute to your savings to see your account balance grow over time.
Izabelle Hundrev Izabelle is a Partner Marketing Specialist at InStride and a former content specialist at G2. Outside of work, she is passionate about all things pop culture, food, and travel. (she/her/hers)

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