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55 Remote Work Statistics To Show People’s Preferences

January 18, 2024

remote work statistics

Modern technology has brought remote work from reveries to reality. 

With video conferencing tools, team collaboration software, and other platforms, remote employees can work seamlessly with their employer and customers just as they would in the office. 

In addition, there’s added flexibility and reduced travel time while one works in a comfortable environment. On the flip side, companies can save on office space expenses and attain a diverse talent pool while recruiting future teammates. 

Take a look at these statistics that show present trends in remote work. Learn more about how employees and employers feel about working remotely. 

General remote work statistics 

Remote work allows for flexibility, making employees more satisfied. A satisfied workforce increases productivity. However, it’s not entirely sunshine and rainbows. Remote work needs discipline, focus, and, most importantly, a clear distinction between work and personal life. 

These statistics provide a general overview of the current state of remote work. 

  • 12.7% of employees worked from home in 2023.
  • 28.2% of workers combine office and work from home in a hybrid model.
  • Despite more people working remotely, 59.1% still work in offices.
  • By 2025, it's expected that 32.6 million Americans will work remotely.
  • 56% of global companies offer remote work, and 16% are fully remote without a physical office.
  • 44% of global companies don’t allow remote work.
  • About 62% of workers aged 22 to 65 sometimes work remotely.
  • During COVID-19, nearly half of employees worked remotely full-time, up from 30% before the pandemic.
  • One in four employers helped employees set up remote workstations.


of CFOs might permanently shift some workers to remote roles post-COVID-19. 

Source: EarlyGrowth

  • In the U.S., 18% more executives work remotely than on-site.
  • U.S. companies with remote work have 25% lower staff turnover.
  • Full-time workers are four times more likely to have remote work options.
  • In 2021, 80% of employees worldwide recommended remote work, down from 90% in 2020.

Remote, hybrid, or in-office: what do professionals prefer? 

Some professionals want occasional remote work, while many prefer it regularly. A notable portion of workers even express a willingness to leave their current jobs if they can't work remotely. This shows a strong preference for remote work's flexibility and comfort.

  • 98% of workers want the option to work remotely sometimes.
  • 93% of employers plan to keep doing job interviews online.
  • 57% of workers would leave their jobs if they couldn't work remotely.


is the average salary reduction employees are ready to take to remain fully remote. 

Source: CBSNews

  • 65% of employees always want to work remotely, while 32% prefer a mix of work at home and office.
  • In 2020, 70% of workers worked from home, and 92% of them expected to work from home weekly.
  • 80% of employees would be more loyal to companies offering flexible work schedules.

Employers' perspective on remote work

Employers see remote work as a critical part of their long-term strategy. They recognize its potential for international expansion and attracting high-quality talent. Many CEOs believe that remote collaboration is not just a temporary measure but a sustainable approach for the future.

However, some business leaders speculate if maintaining corporate culture in a remote setting is doable. The following statistics present employers’ perceptions of remote work.

  • 78% of CEOs see remote collaboration as a long-term strategy.
  • 30% of business leaders worry about maintaining corporate culture remotely.
  • 29% of leaders don’t feel it’s necessary to track employee productivity remotely.
  • 61% of leaders have more frequent check-ins with remote employees.
  • 17% of companies find remote work key for international expansion.


of recruiters find that remote work policies attract high-quality talent. 

Source: TeamPassword

  • Companies with remote work saw a 50% decrease in resignations.
  • 83% of US employers find remote work successful.

What do professionals think and feel about remote work? 

Remote work increases productivity, but some may feel overwhelmed by digital communication and struggle to connect with colleagues. Work hours extend, and mental health concerns rise. Despite these challenges, many recommend remote work and accept lower pay to maintain this flexibility. 

Let's look at the data and understand how professionals feel about remote work. 

  • 35% of remote workers feel they get more done at home.
  • 71% say remote work helps balance their work and personal life.
  • 69% feel burned out from too much digital communication.


of hybrid workers would take less pay to keep their work environment 

Source: CFO News

  • 53% find it hard to connect with colleagues when working remotely. They feel left out of in-person meetings and other activities that take place in the office. 
  • 80% of remote workers might quit for a job with a better focus on mental health.
  • 82% of remote managers worry about reduced productivity.
  • 55% of remote workers work longer hours.
  • 80% of remote employees would recommend remote work to a friend.

Remote work pay statistics

Remote workers have been seen earning more than office workers, with hybrid workers topping the earnings chart. Employers save money when employees work remotely, and companies profit more per remote worker. It’s a win-win. 

  • Remote workers earn about $19,000 more than office workers.
  • Hybrid workers earn the most, around $80,000 for a yearly salary, on average.
  • Employers save around $11,000 per remote employee annually when they work remotely half the time.
  • Remote workers typically earn $4,000 more annually.
  • Companies see a $2,000 profit increase per remote worker.


of remote workers earn over $65,000 annually. 

Source: Wishup

  • Remote workers earning over $100,000 are 2.2 times more than office workers.
  • Long-term remote workers are more likely to earn over $100,000.

Remote work and technology

Remote workers seek better tools for managing their work. Investment in collaboration tools, like tools for virtual collaboration, is rising. Let these statistics present a broad overview of the technological side of remote work.  

  • 60% of companies use employee monitoring software to monitor remote workers.
  • 73% of bosses worry about security risks with remote work.
  • 64% of remote workers want better tools for managing work.


of executives increased spending on virtual collaboration tools in 2021. 

Source: PwC

  • Microsoft Teams daily users jumped to 115 million in 2020 from 13 million in 2019.
  • The collaboration software market is expected to hit $17.9 billion by 2025.
  • Cloud-based conferencing expenditure was predicted to reach $4.8 billion in 2023.
  • 60% of executives expect to spend more on virtual collaboration tools and manager training

Remote is the new flex

Remote work is reshaping the modern workplace with flexibility for employees and significant cost savings for employers. Although there are security concerns and a need for better tooling, companies and employees are willing to adapt.

The outcomes are increased productivity, better collaboration, and improved mental well-being. It seems like a sweet deal. 

Learn more about the evolution of remote work. 

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