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35+ Nonprofit Statistics You Must Know in 2024

February 23, 2024

Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.

In a world where money often takes center stage, non-profit organizations shine a light on compassion and kindness. They're not just about numbers; they're about people helping people and making a difference.

One powerful tool aiding their mission is nonprofit CRM software. This technology helps organizations better manage their interactions with donors, volunteers, and supporters, allowing them to cultivate deeper relationships and maximize their impact.

In this article, we'll explore some key statistics about non-profits, answering questions like who gives, how much, and where. Let's dive in and discover the heartwarming facts behind their incredible work.

General nonprofit statistics

If you’re looking for a bright spot or some good news, look no further than these statistics about general nonprofit statistics.

  • In 2022, charitable donations from Americans totaled $499.33 billion.
  • Individuals were the primary contributors, donating $319.04 billion, which accounted for 64% of the total contributions.
  • Approximately 60% of American households engage in charitable giving.
  • The United States is home to around 1.8 million nonprofit organizations.
  • A significant majority, three-quarters, of nonprofits view donations as crucial.
  • Nonprofits employ 10% of the workforce in the United States.
  • During the third quarter of 2022, the nonprofit sector is estimated to have contributed $1.5 trillion to the U.S. economy.

Nonprofit statistics on donations

While individual giving overall is down, we’re seeing newer demographics getting involved in charitable donations. This is a good sign for the future of charitable giving and nonprofits overall.

  • In 2022, the primary sectors that received charitable donations were as follows: religion (27%), human services (14%), education (13%), grantmaking foundations (11%), and health (10%).
  • The percentage of donors enrolled in a recurring giving program increased to 57%, up from 46% the previous year.
  • 9% of donors are involved in a workplace giving program, such as matching gifts or payroll donations.
  • 56% of Americans Donated to Charity in 2021
  • 81% of donors contribute food or other goods to nonprofits through in-kind donations.
  • Monthly recurring donors contribute 42% more than one-time donors.
  • The average age of donors in the United States is 64 years old.
  • 33%  percent of donors contribute to organizations located outside of their country of residence.

Nonprofit  statistics on online fundraising

The latest trend in fundraising is using digital marketing and social media platforms to reach donors. Think this trend is a passing phase? Maybe these stats about online fundraising will change your mind.

  • 34% of donors participate in online crowdfunding campaigns.
  • 38% of online donors who make a gift in one year donate to the same nonprofit again the following year.
  • 32% of donors are primarily motivated to give via social media, closely followed by email (30%), website (17%), print (15%), TV or radio ads (3%), phone calls (2%), and text messages (1%).
  • Nonprofits experience the highest return on ad spend from search ads, at $2.75 for every dollar spent.
  • For every 1,000 fundraising emails sent, nonprofits raise an average of $90.
  • The average donation from mobile users is $79, while tablet users give $96, and desktop users give $118.

Nonprofit statistics on volunteering

There’s more to supporting nonprofits than just writing a check. Volunteers provide the manpower to help accomplish nonprofit goals and missions.

  • 85% of donors in the United States engage in volunteering activities.
  • 81% of donors attend nonprofit fundraising events.
  • The estimated value of one volunteer hour currently stands at $31.80.
  • Among all generations, Generation X exhibits the highest formal volunteering rate at 27.2%, while Baby Boomers lead in informal helping rate at 58.7%.
  • 76% of survey respondents who volunteer also donate to the nonprofits they volunteer with.
  • 68% of survey respondents volunteer with the organizations to which they donate.
  • 67% of volunteers prioritize strong belief in a nonprofit's mission when choosing where to volunteer.
  • Approximately 67% of donors also participate in volunteering activities.
  • At international nonprofits, 70% of the staff are paid workers, while 29% are volunteers.
  • Nonprofits contribute approximately 5.7% to the United States GDP.

Nonprofit statistics on corporate involvement 

From financial donations to volunteer programs and matching gift initiatives, corporations are very much involved in the nonprofit industry. By examining various statistics, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of how corporations engage, the impact of their contributions, and the evolving trends.

  • In recent years, giving has seen a growth of over 15% in six out of every ten companies.
  • In 2022, corporations collectively donated over $21.08 billion to nonprofits, marking a 3.4% increase compared to 2021.
  • Sixty-five percent of surveyed companies offer paid-release time volunteer programs for their employees.
  • Microsoft stands as the leading contributor to corporate philanthropy funds, boasting a 65% employee participation rate in annual giving campaigns.
  • Although more than 26 million individuals are employed by companies with matching gift programs, over 78% of them remain unaware of their company's matching gift program or its specifics.
  • 84% of donors express a higher inclination to donate if a matching gift opportunity is provided.

Give it up for generosity!

Despite what conventional thinking might have you believe, generosity is on the rise. The next time someone asks if nonprofits have the impact today that they used to, show them these statistics to help change their mind.

Ready to take your non-profit organization to the next level? Consider partnering with a trusted nonprofit consulting provider today. 

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Transform the way you connect with your community using a nonprofit CRM.

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Transform the way you connect with your community using a nonprofit CRM.

35+ Nonprofit Statistics You Must Know in 2024 We’ve gathered 35+ nonprofit statistics to help you discover the value and power behind the growth of the nonprofit industry.
Lauren Pope Lauren Pope is a former content marketer at G2. You can find her work featured on CNBC, Yahoo! Finance, the G2 Learning Hub, and other sites. In her free time, Lauren enjoys watching true crime shows and singing karaoke. (she/her/hers)

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