Nothing stays the same.
Whether it be fashion, the seasons, or technology, things are constantly evolving.
The same can be said about how we go about our marketing efforts. What works now may not work in six months or a year. In fact, it’s safe to say that it probably won’t. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to know what awaits within enterprise marketing and how you should be evolving your marketing tactics for the future.
For that, it’s best to call on the experts, and we can think of no one other than Neil Patel best-selling author for both the New York Times and Forbes. Read on to learn more about what he had to say.
The future of enterprise marketing
With over a billion blogs on the internet, it’s more important than ever before that your company kicks their digital marketing strategies into high gear. Millions of dollars are being raised to be spent on sales and marketing, and for good reason. Without both, where would your business be?
What is enterprise marketing?
Enterprise marketing is when a company takes campaigns to the next level by focusing on fast growth, rather than simply holding onto their current customer base.
At G2’s first-ever conference, Reach, Neil explained the six ways that enterprise marketing is evolving and how we can use it to our advantage, especially with a potential recession around the corner. Let's get started!

1. Marketing is going omnichannel
The days of marketing teams relying on only one or two channels to gain traffic are over.
When it comes to channels, Google Adwords spends the most, at a staggering $1 billion on revenue. Because of this, it makes sense that this intent-based marketing channel also has the best conversion rates. Following Google Adwords, Facebook has the second-highest revenue, as this intent-driven channel remains increasingly popular for paid ads, even though they’re becoming more and more saturated in the United States.
Social media marketing tends to have the worst conversion rates, as it simply isn’t easy to get traffic exclusively through channels like Twitter and LinkedIn.
The channels that will provide the largest ROI are the ones that will use conversion rate optimization (CRO), and will also result in the smallest marketing spend. It’s also a good idea to start thinking about how your company will start converting voice search into traffic, as 50% of traffic will be from voice search in 2020, according to Comscore.
2. User metrics are the key to beating Google
It’s time you stopped ignoring user metrics.
For instance, Google Search Console will tell you who is clicking on your website and which pages are getting the most clicks. Where Google Analytics shows you information under the Not Provided field, Google Search Console provides you with clicks, impressions, and the click-through-rate (CTR) of your pages.
When looking at these metrics, ask yourself which keywords are getting you the most traffic. Find out which keywords have a CTR of 5% or lower and start adding these keywords to your content and title tags. After you spend about a week doing this, request that Google re-crawls these pages to start seeing results.
Tip: Words like how to, free, you, tips, tricks, why, and best are always a good idea to add to your title. The same can be said for the upcoming year 3 months ahead of time. |
Facebook user metrics
If you want to make the most out of Facebook, it’s in your best interest to capitalize on user metrics. For example, when creating a Facebook post, ask people to leave a comment. Since the updated algorithm now discounts “yes” or “no” comments, ask them to leave a sentence or two.

3. Focus on branding
In the words of Google CEO Eric Schmidt, “Brands are the solution, not the problem. It’s how you sort out the cesspool.”
Building a brand and awareness around your brand is the key to winning. For this, it’s important to remember the rule of seven. Essentially, when a potential customer sees your brand seven times, they’re more likely to interact with and use your business.
To ensure that a customer sees you seven times, enlist the help of emails, push notifications, and even chatbots.
4. Conventional CRO tactics don’t work anymore
While marketers don’t necessarily do a lot of math, one equation all marketing professionals should know is that Traffic + Conversions = Success.
It’s not uncommon for your highest converting traffic channel to be your email list. That being said, there’s no reason why you can’t find new ways to take your emails to the next level. Consider ways to make your opt-ins more relatable, or strategize how to incorporate videos!
Think outside of the box when it comes to traffic. What can your brand do besides emails? Consider doing something like a how-to guide or an ebook that could potentially set your brand apart.
5. Marketing is a team effort
It’s time your sales and marketing teams work together.
One way to integrate the two is by including remarketing pixels into emails that come from the sales team. Your brand should also be utilizing case studies and making them as relatable as possible. Any time a potential customer is browsing the web and comes across your case study, they should see how your case studies are similar to their industry and have key takeaways that they can use.
These case studies will also help people get to know your company and what it stands for before you ask for their email.
Not into case studies? Consider quizzes! When you stick to 5-6 questions and use images as much as possible, you’ll see a sizeable increase in your leads.
6. To win, think like a winner
What do Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan, and Mark Zuckerberg all have in common?
They all had coaches.
It’s always a good idea to find a mentor or a coach, as it’s in your best interest to learn from the pros. A coach doesn’t have to be a person or someone you pay to train you. Take advantage of unconventional methods, like blogs, podcasts, or YouTube videos to gain new insights and ideas. Plus, they don’t cost money!
Marketing never stops
And neither should you. Things are constantly changing in the marketing world, and it’s best you be ready for it.
There are three types of people: Those who make things happen. Those who watch things happen. And those who ask, “What just happened?”
Get a jump on enterprise marketing and be the person that makes things happen.
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