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How to Repost a Video on Instagram

May 17, 2024

Monkey see, monkey do.

My second-grade teacher would repeat this phrase every time we got upset with a classmate for copying our clothing, actions, or ideas.

On social media, copycats are abundant. You see someone post an Instagram video that is funny, interesting, or informative, and you want it on your feed. This is called reposting, and it’s accomplished a number of ways.

In this article, I’ll offer up a couple of third-party app suggestions for reposting videos on Instagram and walk you through the process one step at a time.

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How to repost a video on Instagram

Because phones do not yet offer a strategy for screenshotting videos, you’ll have to take another approach. Screenshotting is a perfectly effective way to share photos, but doesn’t work as well when it comes to videos.

Additionally, Instagram does not yet allow users to repost content from within the platform. In order to accomplish reposting, you’ll have to utilize third-party apps. Here are two of the most commonly used and trusted apps for reposting videos on Instagram.

Heads up: It is important to note that Instagram has rules regarding sharing other people’s content. According to their terms of use, you are to get permission from a user before you reshare something they have posted.

It is difficult to tell how strict they are about these rules, or how often they follow up with users to ensure a video or picture has not been poached. But before you get into the habit of reposting, familiarize yourself with these expectations.

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First, let’s talk Regrammer.

1. Download Regrammer

The first step in this process is downloading the right apps.

The image below shows you what Regrammer looks like when you search for it in the app store.

download regrammer


When you open the app, you’ll notice it doesn’t require you to create an account. There is no need to enter an email address or log in with your Facebook. Therefore, once you’ve downloaded the app, you can head over to Instagram and find the video you’d like to share. 

open regrammer


2. Open Instagram to desired content

For our example, we’re going to pick a video on G2 Crowd’s Instagram profile. As you can see, the post is static because these are screenshots.

open Instagram video

3. Copy link

Next, copy the link to the video. Do this by clicking on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. The image below points to the dots I’m referring to.

how to repost a video on Instagram - click on video data


Once you click on the dots, a menu pops up. From this menu, you will click “copy link.” 

copy link to Instagram video

If the link has successfully been copied, a message will appear at the top of your screen that says “link copied to clipboard.” 

link copied to clipboard


4. Reopen Regrammer

Once the link has been copied, you can head back to Regrammer. Reopen the app and you’ll find that the link is entered automatically into the link bar.

If the link does not paste automatically, simply click and hold onto the bar and wait until the copy/paste menu appears. Then click paste.

reopen Regrammer


5. Preview post

Once the link is pasted in the bar, you can press the blue “preview” button. This will take you to a page wherein you can see the post as it’s about to appear on your own feed. While it’s not necessary, you can choose to watch the video just to ensure everything looks good.

preview post on Regrammer


6. Repost

Now that you’re sure the post is as you like it, press the blue “repost” button underneath the preview of the video. This will open up yet another menu.

As you can see, the app gives you the option of posting to multiple social media platforms. For the sake of this instructional guide, we’re choosing Instagram.

repost from Regrammer 

If you’re using the app for the first time, you’ll need to give the app permission to access your camera/photo roll, as well as access your Instagram. You cannot repost through the app until you’ve provided permission.

Once you’ve done so, the app will open up your Instagram and ask if you’d like to post the video to your story (with perfect Instagram story dimensions), or your feed. I have decided to repost to my feed. 

post to Instagram story or feed

From this point on, you can upload the post like normal. You can choose to make it a boomerang, as well as upload multiple videos or photos. 

By clicking “next,” you’ll have your usual options of adding Instagram filters, inputting a caption, and adding a location or tagging people. You might also consider adding some Instagram alt text if you’re posting for business reasons. 

And once you click “post,” you’re all done!

customize Instagram post


Repost for Instagram

Repost for Instagram is another easy app for resharing hot content. The main difference between Regrammer and Repost for Instagram is attribution.

Repost for Attribution automatically includes a symbol in the corner of each post letting audiences know that post has been gathered from someone else’s page. I’ve already mentioned that Instagram requires users to have permission before they repost someone else’s content. 

This attribution feature is a good thing to consider if you’re wanting to cover all your bases and make sure Instagram doesn’t accuse you of any foul play. 

1. Download Repost for Instagram

Begin by downloading the application. You will not need to create an account so as soon as you have downloaded the app, you can feel free to go navigate back to Instagram and find the video of your choosing.


download Repost for Instagram

2. Find video on Instagram

For simplicity’s sake, we’ll use the same video as before on G2 Crowd’s Instagram. 

Click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner.

find desired Instagram video


Again, choose to copy the link. You will receive a message that the link has been copied to your clipboard. 

copy link to Instagram video

3. Navigate back to Repost for Instagram

Repost for Instagram automatically pulls up the link you most recently copied. 

open up Repost for Instagram


Click on that post and it will take you to the next screen where you get to customize your post. You can choose from a number of customizations, such as where to put the attribution mark, and whether to copy the caption.

You can even choose not to have the attribution mark, if you prefer.

customize post in Repost for Instagram 

4. Post on Instagram

Once everything looks good, you can go ahead and press the purple “repost” button. It will take you to a screen where you get to choose between posting to your story, and posting to your feed. 

choose to post to Instagram feed or story

For this example, I chose “feed.” After this, you get to continue posting on Instagram as usual. 

repost video to your Instagram


Copy that

And there you have it, two easy-to-use ways of reposting a video on Instagram. Now you can go forth and share that video of a cat falling off the bed, or video of a celebrity showing off your product.

And if you’re interested in learning more about Instagram tools for marketing or otherwise, I recommend the following articles:

Level up your Instagram game with The Beginner's Guide to Instagram Get my guide →

Get this exclusive AI content editing guide.

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