Software integration has numerous benefits, all of which can significantly improve an organization's operations by allowing its departments to work harmoniously.
These benefits are, however, not confined to businesses in the private sector. Governments can also deploy software integration solutions, especially since they handle huge amounts of data from different departments.
Most government institutions are sitting on the untapped value of huge amounts of data in their databases. Some of them have digitized their processes, yet only just scratched the surface of how they can use the data to provide citizens with a seamless experience.
Leveraging data gives institutions a 360-degree view of the people consuming their services or products. They can use the insights gained from the data to improve outcomes, create value, and ultimately improve citizens' lives.
How integration enhances data flow and synchronization
Integrations for government software help tear down silos. Each department holds vital information about different aspects of citizens. By combining datasets from across departments and domains, every department can get access to meaningful and valuable information.
Government institutions need to share information constantly. They must have mechanisms in place to organize, prioritize, and classify information so that it’s easily accessible to other entities within and outside it.
Integration allows for the reuse of data and functionality across departments, applications, and services. Lack of integration among the departments means data remains scattered across platforms, and most of it is duplicated or full of errors.
Better collaboration and data sharing
Siloed environments in government are mainly due to different software solutions operating in different departments. While it’s all right to have several applications or systems in your organization, having them work together will significantly improve results.
Integrating government software reduces the silos by streamlining and automating processes and workflows. Government software integration allows teams to access the same data across multiple applications since it’s updated automatically.
Teams can share data across departments and regions. They can also access the information from any internet-connected device. With easy access to data across platforms, employees can collaborate and offer exceptional services to constituents.
Processing and automating workflows
Deploying more than one government software solution from different vendors often means manually inputting data since many apps do not share data.
Integration of government software allows your solutions to play nice with each other. They can easily exchange data. For example, the data from human resources software would flow seamlessly to the payroll one. Integration automates repetitive tasks and improves the speed at which employees get things done.
Employees can also set up triggers when a citizen executes a certain action. These triggers integrate seamlessly with other applications, making the process fully automated. Your staff can also design workflows to accomplish routine tasks that take up most of their time.
Integration streamlines your workflows so your employees can make the most of the solutions they use. Integrated solutions ensure an automatic and uninterrupted flow of information across all mission-critical systems. Employees can then work collaboratively as a team as they build on the workflows that connect information across departments.
This workflow harmony ensures that each department stays focused on its actual tasks. The improved collaboration also ensures that employees can serve constituents fully and the constituents can access automated customer services seamlessly.
Data-driven, real time decision making
Fifty-six percent of CEOs do not trust the integrity of the data they use to base decisions on. Governments, who are yet to adopt digitalization and integration, deal with even more bad data since they must manually add it to their systems. This results in decisions made with outdated data.
Other causes of bad data are a lack of internal communication between departments, inadequate data strategies, and a lack of skills needed to use the existing technology. When systems do not share data with each other, duplicates, error-prone data, and time wastage happen.
Governmental employees also constantly deal with stringent regulations and outdated systems that lead to data chaos, slow operations, frustrated constituents, and costly redundancies. They also often must store raw, unstructured data in isolated systems.
Integration enhances data flow by ensuring that departments have access to accurate data and that employees can use it to make data-driven decisions. Proper integration also gives them access to data from multiple sources leading to real-time decision making.
Meaningful information can come from disparate datasets, and with integration, large volumes of data suddenly become actionable when data is available in real time.
Better insights
When you have access to all the right data at the right time, your institution gets a 360-degree view of your processes. You gain insight into details that were previously unavailable.
For example, in the health sector, using integration gets rid of silos, thus allowing doctors have data about the different health threats affecting patients. Implementing integration allows the health sector to improve how they collect and analyze data and therefore offer better treatment.
Software integration enables institutions to gain access to valuable data and analytics that lead to better service delivery and process improvement.
However, this will only happen if your strategy involves training your employees on data management and analytics. If data fields are interpreted differently by different departments, then the data will be analyzed inappropriately, leading to inaccuracies.
Limited skills and expertise can also lead to poor data. The institution's strategy should involve training and education on how to make informed decisions on data collected across all departments.
Don't wait, integrate
Integrating government software ultimately enriches the institutions with better and faster insights, improves collaboration across departments, and unifies systems. Adopting integration saves the employees time, enhances efficiency, and ensures citizens get seamless experiences.
Are you ready to implement data integration at your agency? Explore your software options on G2 and find the best solution for your needs.