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7 Tips for Building a Successful Customer Onboarding Process

August 31, 2023

customer onboarding process

You've landed on this page because you're eager to switch up and make your customer onboarding process better. 

The key to a thriving customer relationship lies in mastering the art of onboarding. Get that right, and you'll earn a loyal customer for life.

This blog will explore key strategies and best practices for building a successful customer onboarding process. 

Whether you're a startup, a mid-market SaaS company, or an enterprise-level organization, these insights will help you maximize customer value, foster long-term relationships, and ensure a smooth customer onboarding journey. 

Crafting a winning customer onboarding journey

Think of your onboarding process as the foundation of a long-lasting customer relationship.

A well-executed onboarding process can increase customer satisfaction, higher retention rates, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. By investing time and effort into onboarding, you demonstrate your commitment to customer success, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty from the start. 

Now, let’s get into seven strategies that will be your roadmap to successful customer integration. 

1. Engineer a great first impression

First impressions matter in both personal and professional relationships. During onboarding, you have a unique opportunity to "wow" your customers and leave a lasting positive impression. 

To achieve this, you must ensure your team is well-prepared for meetings, introduce innovative learning moments, and maintain a professional front throughout communication. Remember to collect feedback and ratings to solidify those positive impressions.

First impressions are formed within seconds of meeting someone new. This principle applies to the business world as well. 

When customers start their journey with your company, the first few interactions impact their perception of your brand. A great first impression sets the tone for the entire relationship and can significantly influence their decision to stay loyal or seek alternatives.

The impact of first impressions on customer relationships

To engineer a great first impression, you must intentionally design your onboarding experience. Here are some strategies:

  • Be prepared for your customer meetings with clear hand-offs. Reinforce the context and goals, ensuring the customer feels confident in your capabilities.
  • Create learning moments. Impress the customer with your domain expertise. Show them why you're the experts in the field.
  • Present a highly professional image. The image should be reflected in your plans, materials, and communication. Earn their respect and trust by showcasing your company's professionalism.
  • Go the extra mile! While focusing on the tasks at hand is essential, take the time to connect on a personal level beyond the virtual meetings. Learn about the individuals you interact with - their interests, preferences, and more. You can tailor the kickoff and other plans to each person and consistently invite and value their opinions and feedback throughout important milestones. 

2. Have a mutual success plan

Customer success is always a two-way street.

Ensure you regularly encourage team leads or managers on the customer's side to be accountable for specific goals. From timely launch to team usage and hitting KPIs, aligning customer objectives with your product's success guarantees a shared vision and a common path to value realization.

A mutual success plan is all about understanding your customer’s goals first. Engaging with them early in the process is crucial to understanding their needs and desired outcomes. By involving them in setting success metrics, you create a sense of ownership, leading to greater commitment and accountability.

Here are some examples of customer accountability goals:

  • On-time launch: Work with your customers to prioritize time-to-launch and avoid scope creep. Getting them aligned with this goal will ensure a smooth and timely implementation. Adopt a “make it live first, and then make it better” approach. Don’t optimize for perfection on day zero. 
  • Team usage or adoption: Involve champions and executive sponsors on the customer side, allowing them to co-own and drive the adoption with your guidance. Change management and adoption require joint efforts, and having your customers work closely with you will lead to better results.
  • Governance: Encourage your customers to actively work toward making your product successful for them. Simply having the technology is not enough; they need to be intentional and thoughtful in leveraging the software's capabilities to create value.

Everyone benefits when your product delivers value and contributes to the customer's success. The business achieves its ROI, the decision-makers receive recognition, and the teams involved in the implementation gain opportunities for growth. 

You create a mutual investment in achieving the desired outcomes by aligning your product's success metrics with the customer's goals. This alignment strengthens the partnership, fosters collaboration, and increases the chances of a successful and fruitful relationship between both parties.

3. Adapt onboarding plans based on customer maturity

Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to your onboarding methodology.

Instead, consider the customer's size, processes, and team maturity to craft personalized onboarding experiences. Whether your customer is a startup or an enterprise-level organization, tailoring your approach will ensure the best possible onboarding journey for each customer segment.

Every customer is unique, and their requirements and expectations will vary. 

To deliver exceptional onboarding experiences, you need to have an acute awareness of customer maturity. You can create tailored onboarding plans by identifying patterns and customer segments, such as customer size, process, and team maturity.

Customer size

Smaller customers might prefer a more hands-on and guided approach, while larger customers may require more flexibility and a consultative approach.

Process maturity

Some customers may start afresh and need more comprehensive guidance, while others may already have a defined process and require assistance with optimization.

Team maturity

The maturity of the customer's team plays a role in determining how much support they need during onboarding. Understanding how proficient they are can help you cater to their specific needs.

4. Adopt continuous feedback and milestone-based CSAT

Continuous feedback is the lifeline of successful onboarding. Implement customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys at key milestones to understand sentiment and act promptly when issues arise. 

Analyze CSAT scores to identify areas for improvement, ensuring your team is always striving for excellence and delivering value.

Understanding continuous feedback

Onboarding is a dynamic process that requires constant evaluation and improvement. Measuring the pulse of your customers throughout the onboarding journey allows you to stay on top of their needs, concerns, and expectations.

Continuous feedback helps you set up an early warning system that can help address potential challenges proactively and strengthen the relationship.

Implementing CSAT surveys at key milestones

CSAT surveys are a valuable tool to gauge customer satisfaction at critical points in the onboarding process. 

By sending CSAT surveys after key milestones, such as training sessions or go-lives, you can capture real-time feedback on customer experience. These surveys provide actionable insights that enable you to make informed decisions and improve your onboarding approach.

Analyzing CSAT scores

Collecting CSAT scores is just the first step; analyzing the data is where the real magic happens. Look for patterns and trends in CSAT scores to identify areas of strength and areas that require improvement. 

For instance, if a specific team member consistently receives lower ratings for their training sessions, you may need to address their approach or provide additional support and training.

5. Maintain intensity

Maintain intensity throughout the onboarding process to keep things on track. Create rituals, set up stand-up meetings, steer-co-committees, and recognize team members who drive progress with high intensity.

Sustaining focus and dedication during onboarding will yield successful outcomes and delighted customers.

Onboarding delays can be frustrating for both you and your customers.

Some common reasons for delays include inadequate planning, lack of clear communication, resource constraints, and unexpected challenges. It's essential to be proactive and identify potential roadblocks early in the process to prevent delays.

Strategies to maintain intensity throughout the onboarding process

To keep things on track and sustain intensity during onboarding, consider the following strategies:

  • Hire program or engagement managers with the right experience and hustle to push things through with intensity.
  • Create rituals that ensure intensity. For example, have an intensity score your team needs to update against each account for your leaders to review or be aware of.
  • Hold stand-up meetings twice weekly with the whole project team if the execution is behind the plan.
  • Recognize team members who operate with high intensity. Give them titles like "project champion of the week" when someone makes substantial progress on what's on their plate.
  • Have a customer point of contact - a person from the customer’s side that you can hold accountable if the onboarding process gets stuck at any point. 

By actively promoting a culture of intensity and commitment to achieving goals, you foster a sense of urgency and focus within your team, driving the onboarding process forward with vigor.

6. Try the reverse demo

Reverse demos can be a game-changer.

A reverse demo is an innovative approach in which users on the customer's side demo your solution back to your team.

By letting customers demo your solution back to your team, you allow them to showcase how they’ve contextualized your tool for their organization. You can use this opportunity for constructive feedback, improve training, and gain insight into customer needs.

While traditional demos and training are crucial, the reverse demo brings unique benefits.

It engages customers to actively use and comprehend product capabilities showcased in training, leading to those "aha" moments where they recognize the value it adds to their processes. It sheds light on preferred features, enabling targeted improvements, and fosters a feedback loop.

This approach also doubles as a documentation method, capturing how customers plan to use the product. Interestingly, customers can even offer insights that may have been overlooked.

7. Prescribe an approach

When engaging larger customers about your onboarding plan, you have two options: the waiter approach and the doctor approach.

  • Waiter approach: You can present the options to the customer, make a recommendation, and let them choose.
  • Doctor approach: You consider all their inputs and prescribe the approach to them.

A well-informed prescriptive approach combines the best of both worlds.

It involves considering the customer's inputs while leveraging your expertise to craft the best onboarding plan. Doing so ensures that the onboarding process aligns with the customer's needs and goals while adhering to best practices that drive successful outcomes.

It is also crucial to leverage expertise while considering customer inputs.

Your team is the expert in your product and implementation. With experience working with customers of different sizes and types, you are best equipped to decide on the most effective onboarding process. 

However, it's equally important to consider the additional risks, challenges, and context shared by the customer's insiders.

Role of change management in driving organizational adoption

Change management plays a critical role in successful onboarding. It involves guiding the customer through the process of organizational change that comes with implementing your product. 

By considering change management principles, you ensure smooth adoption and minimize resistance within the customer's organization.

Here's what makes your team most qualified to decide on your process:

  • Experience: Your team's experience enables you to identify the moments where value is unlocked for your customer teams.
  • Knowledge of challenges: You know the typical surprises or more challenging parts of the journey based on experiences with other customers.
  • Training and support: You know what part of their training works and what needs to be revisited later.
  • Prioritization: You are a better judge of the problems that need to be solved before going live versus issues that can be taken up later.
  • Buffer for lost time: You can judge if there is a buffer to make up for lost time or if there are delays in the plan that can hurt timely go-live.
  • Customer priorities: It's in your best interest to get the customer to value at the earliest while your customer side stakeholders are likely balancing multiple priorities.
  • Unlearning: Your customers might be accustomed to their old tools. Your responsibility is to help them unlearn and relearn your product.

By taking a well-informed prescriptive approach, you ensure a smoother onboarding process that positions your team as the trusted advisor and expert guide for your customers.

Onboarding done right

Congratulations! You've made it through our seven essential tips for building a successful customer onboarding process. 

Implementing these tips will elevate your onboarding process, leading to delighted customers and long-lasting relationships. Remember, onboarding is not just about the destination but the journey towards mutual success.

Are you ready to embark on your journey to outstanding customer onboarding? Take these tips to heart, and let's make it happen together.

You've onboarded your customers. Now learn how you can build loyalty and engagement and retain them with customer retention marketing

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