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55 Blogging Statistics: The State of Content Creation in 2023

October 25, 2023

blogging statistics

The year is 2023, and everything the light touches is powered by AI. The question has to be asked: is blogging still relevant?

Short answer, yes.

Even after decades of this question being thrown around, millions of brands consider blogs to be an integral part of their marketing strategy. This is simply because they work. Blogging connects brands with their audience and leads to conversion. In fact, research suggests that 56% of consumers have purchased from a brand after reading a blog post. With personalization at the heart of content marketing strategies, blogs have put down roots.

However, blogging has gotten just a tad bit complicated. It’s no longer possible to get tons of traffic by merely spending a couple of hours daily to publish content around a handful of ideas. Running a successful website and monetizing your blog content requires a lot more than that.

While it helps to get web content management software that makes your blogging process better, you also need a carefully considered content marketing strategy that targets the right audience. Plus, the competition is more fierce than ever, so keeping track of blogging trends and stats is non-negotiable. 

Let’s break it down and trek farther into the world of blogging, digital content, and everything in between.

General blogging statistics

Call it blogging, web writing, or whatever floats your boat – just don’t call it out of style. Blogging has become universal. Whether you want to share recipes, document experiences, or position your brand as an industry expert, starting a blog is a natural move. It’s a great time to use your words and share your unique voice in this format. 

$584.02 billion

is the expected growth of the global content marketing industry between 2023 and 2027.

Source: technavio 

  • There are more than 600 million blogs around the world.
  • WordPress users produce over 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments every month.
  • 409 million people read over 20 billion blogs powered by WordPress each month.
  • Bloggers publishing original research are 41% more likely to get the desired results than those who don’t.
  • 24% of bloggers publish blogs weekly or several times a month, while only 1-2% post daily.
  • 54% of blog readers say they are overwhelmed by the volume of available content, especially when quality is often lacking.
  • How-to articles are the most popular (76%) content format, followed by listicles at 55%.
  • Readers spend around 4.5 million hours every month reading blog posts on Medium, a leading blogging platform.
  • On average, most readers spend 30-40 seconds on a blog post, and 43% admit to skimming through it.
  • 14% of companies expect a jump of over 9% in their content marketing budget, while 36% expect an increase between 1% to 9%.
  • 30% of marketers claim their content perfectly echoes their brand values.

Blogging SEO statistics

No matter how many high-quality content pieces you publish, it’s no use if nobody can find your work on the internet. This is why you need search engine optimization (SEO) to make sure that your content not only exists but that it reaches the right audience through organic search and delivers inbound leads

These statistics prove the need for effective SEO strategies in content creation and promotion.


of marketers attract and convert leads by implementing an effective SEO strategy for their blogs and websites.

Source: HubSpot

  • 17% of bloggers never conduct keyword research, and only 50% do it for most of their content pieces.
  • SEO and email marketing each drive 66% of blog traffic.
  • 45% of marketers believe that adding related keywords in blog posts improves search engine results page (SERP) rankings and performance.
  • 40% of B2B companies say keyword research is their top tactic to get more website visitors.
  • 24% of marketers admit they don’t have a clear picture of their content performance metrics.
  • 88% of marketers who use SEO plan to increase or maintain their investment this year.
  • Research shows that creating long-form content is one of the best ways to optimize your blog for organic search. The average blog post word count should be around 3000.

Tip: Use the best content analytics platforms to measure your blog’s progress easily. 

Blogging traffic statistics

Whether you’re a marketer or a thought leader, blogging attracts and increases website visitors. When combined with SEO and promotion efforts, you and your blog can establish a strong online presence with content monetization.

The statistics below go over the current landscape of blog traffic, along with some challenges.


of bloggers believe their biggest challenge is getting traffic and visitors.

Source: Orbit Media

  • 32% of marketers believe web traffic is the most important metric for evaluating the effectiveness of a content marketing strategy.
  • Content collaborations are 70% more likely to get more organic traffic.
  • Brands that update their older content pieces are 2.8 times more likely to get strong results.
  • 37% of bloggers prioritize research-driven content, while 36% focus on technical SEO for higher traffic and rankings.
  • 52% of B2B companies post more content for higher organic traffic, while 51% believe in improving existing content instead.
  • Around 65% of websites drive traffic from mobile devices, which is why you have to optimize your blog for mobile.
  • Bloggers are driving 90% of their blog traffic through social media promotions.


Blogging marketing statistics

The digital realm constantly fluctuates. With millions of brands trying to attract your target audience, rising above this noise requires sincere blogging efforts. When integrated into a solid marketing strategy, you can multiply those efforts tremendously. 

The statistics here discuss how blogging benefits brands and influences marketing strategies. 


90% of companies make content marketing a part of their overall marketing strategy.

Source: Statista

  • Only 47% of marketers research their audience before creating content for their blog.
  • 27% of bloggers spend under $1,000 on their monthly content marketing budget.
  • 70% of consumers learn about a company through articles instead of ads.
  • 73% of marketers use social media to promote their blogs, while 53% use email marketing.
  • 46% of companies claim that attracting website traffic is their primary content marketing goal, followed closely by 45% who want to increase brand awareness.
  • 21% of bloggers focus more on the marketing of their blog posts than the content of it.

Blogging revenue statistics

Blogging is more than just writing and promoting content on social media. It goes hand in hand with revenue generation since most bloggers aim to monetize their work. However, it’s a time-consuming process that requires establishing authority in your niche.

These statistics show the role of blogging in revenue generation. 

$107 billion

is the projected value of the global content marketing revenue by 2026.

Source: Statista

  • 66% of B2B marketers have successfully used content marketing for lead nurturing, and 62% have generated revenue.
  • 54% of customers rely on blog posts during the early buying stages.
  • 55% of customers claim that a blog post warrants a sales call when it tells a strong story. For 52%, the use of data and research makes it memorable.
  • Two-thirds of all bloggers claim that making money is their primary motivator.
  • Experienced bloggers get about 42% of their revenue through affiliate marketing and 33% through advertisements.
  • 9% of marketers share that blog posts have the highest return on investment (ROI) among all content and media formats they use. Some of the others in this list include video content, podcasts, and infographics.


Guest blogging statistics

If you’re a new brand trying to find its place in a saturated market, guest blogging is a great way to expand your reach and find the right audience. Plus, with benefits like backlinks from highly authoritative websites, you can improve your website’s authority and ranking levels.

Let’s explore some statistics that highlight its current state in the blogging industry.


of bloggers write 1-5 guest posts monthly.

Source: Referral Rock

  • Only 11% of bloggers use guest posts to promote their content.
  • 50% of guest post contributors conduct email outreach to 10 or fewer contacts, whereas only 7% reach out to 100 or more blogs in a month.
  • 87% of guest post contributors come up with content ideas, but only 52% end up writing those themselves.
  • Around 13% of websites ask for a fee to publish guest posts.
  • The average cost of publishing a paid guest post comes to roughly $78.

Go blog or go home

A successful blog can change the game for you and your business, regardless of your industry. As evident by the stats above, blogging presents several successful avenues in digital marketing. From monetizing content and building a loyal audience to establishing thought leadership and creating brand awareness, blogging serves as a pillar of marketing and revenue strategies.

If you’re unsure about where to start, consider outsourcing your business needs to blog writing service providers.

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