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20 Best TED Talks To Change Your Perspective

September 23, 2019

There are educational videos that exist on any topic under the sun.

TED Talks take the prize with their community of inspirational speakers that educate their audience and provide insight into new data and information worth sharing with the world. TED talks offer the opportunity to grasp a different perspective.

TED Talks are known for their catchphrase “ideas worth spreading” and are true to the power of that intention. TED Talk videos get millions of hits from students, business owners, parents, the intellectually curious, and just about anyone else with an interest in virtually any topic.

They started at a one-off conference which was converging technology, entertainment, and design together, hence the movement’s acronym. Professionals and students in all of these disciplines share fascinating discoveries in their areas of study on stage. TED Talks can be life-altering and offer insights that have potential to radically change the way viewers and listeners might think.

TIP: Plan on practicing your own presentation skills? Find out how to make your presentations interactive for your audience.

This list is a compilation of the best TED Talks based on the views they have on YouTube in Fall of 2019. They are all likely to change your perspective, leave you feeling inspired, or fill you with a sense of curiosity. Feel free to start a YouTube playlist if you don’t have the time to watch them all right now. 

Here’s the overview of the list if one title stand out for you:

The Best TED Talks according to number of YouTube views

Ready to think outside the box?

This is What Happens When You Reply to Spam Email

James Veitch | 42.4M views

You've seen suspicious emails come through your inbox. The ones where your CEO asks you to grab the keys to his boat and deliver it to him, or about some unclaimed insurance bond. In this talk, James Veitch narrates a humorous story about his exchange with a spammer who offered to cut him in on a hot deal.

Why People Believe They Can't Draw - And How To Prove They Can 

Graham Shaw | 25.9M views

Think you can't draw? Graham Shaw shatters that belief in a very practical way. He demonstrates where the belief came form and how the simple act of drawing has the potential to make a positive difference in the world.

How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over 

Mel Robbins | 20.5M views

Mel Robbins is widely respected for her advice that cuts through the clutter standing between people and what they want. She gives tough love to the listener on how to stop screwing themselves over.

Looks Aren’t Everything. Believe Me, I’m A Model 

Cameron Russell | 19.1M views

Cameron Russell is a well-known underwear model, but don't judge her for her model looks. In this talk, she delivers her perspective on the industry that had her looking highly seductive as a young teen.

Do Schools Kill Creativity? 

Sir Ken Robinson | 17.6M views


In this TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson argues that the current education model teaches children how not to be wrong, which hinders creativity. He makes a profound case to encourage building education systems that nurture making mistakes so children can feel confident to 'give it a go'.

Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are

Amy Cuddy | 16.8M views 

Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy identifies how body language, even the way that we sit, affects how others perceive us and how we subconsciously see ourselves. She argues how we are deeply influenced by non-verbal communication and how "power posing" can affect your testosterone and cortisol levels, which positively impact your confidence.

Why We Do What We Do 

Tony Robbins | 13.2M views

Tony Robbins discusses the "invisible forces" that make us do what we do. He asks the listener to explore where they are today so that they can 1) contribute more and 2) not just understand people more, but appreciate them where they are.

The Power of Vulnerability 

Brene Brown | 11.3M

Brene Brown studies human connection. In this TED talk, she shares insight from her research that dares people to open themselves up to vulnerability, and her personal quest to get there.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action  

Simon Sinek | 10.6M views


Simon Sinek teaches strategic communications at Columbia University. In this TED talk, he presents his idea of the Golden Circle and analyzes how inspiring leaders and organizations think, act, and communicate.

Is Hypnosis Fake? 

Albert Nerenberg | 9.5M views 

Hypnotist and acclaimed filmmaker Albert Nerenberg finds out what happens when you run a series of hypnotic inductions on a large crowd. See if hypnosis is fake in this presentation of how hypnosis actually works

How To Make Stress Your Friend 

Kelly McGonigal | 8.2M views

Many of us are too familiar with stress. While stress has been made into a public health enemy, psychologist Kelly McGonigal provides a different perspective and urges us to see stress as a positive thing.

Ten Ways to Have a Better Conversation

Celeste Headlee | 7.3M views

Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades. Knowing the ingredients of a great conversation, she shares 10 useful tips to better converse with people in this insightful presentation.

Programming Your Mind For Success 

Carrie Green | 6.7M views

Carrie Green started her first online business when she was 20 while studying law. Her network has grown to over 140,000 women. In this talk she discusses how to break your boundaries of fear, obstacles, and lack of motivation.

Questioning the Universe

Stephen Hawking | 6.3M views

Professor Stephen Hawking asks some big questions about our universe -- How did the universe begin? How did life begin? Are we alone? -- and discusses how we might go about answering them.

Want to Sound Like a Leader? Start By Saying Your Name Right 

Laura Sicola | 5.8M views

Dr. Laura Sicola talks about honing in on your vocal executive presence and how it makes us sound credible. She shows how vocal delivery influences how your message is received so you can make the impact that you want

It Is Okay Not To Have a Plan

Mithila Palkar | 5.8M views

Mithila Palkar is a popular singer of Hindi and regional languages and an actress. In this talk, she discusses following your passion and learning along the way.

The Skill of Humor 

Andrew Tarvin | 5.3M views


Andrew Tarvin is the world's first “Humor Engineer”. In this TED talk, he demonstrates how anyone can utilize humor in a way that transcends most barriers. 

The Danger of A Single Story

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 5.1M views


Novelist Chimamanda Adichie shares the personal story of how she found her authentic cultural voice. Through her experiences, she learned how hearing one side of a story can lead to critical misunderstanding of a person or country.

Don’t Strive To Be Famous, Strive To Be Talented 

Maisie Williams | 3.2M views

You’ll recognize her if you watched Game of Thrones. Maisie WIlliams tells the story of working on the show from the age of 12 and how that led her to co-found Daisie, a social media for creative people. Her acting career exposed her to opportunities that were life changing, but she expresses how talent will carry you further than 15 minutes of fame.

Feeling inspired?

These talks have a significant amount of views, but that's no coincidence. Data shows that people have an interest in learning ways to think outside the box. This list of best TED Talks to change your perspective explores new views apart from typical societal thinking. TED really does open you up to the world. 

Do you think there are any that we missed? 

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20 Best TED Talks To Change Your Perspective Ready to think outside the box? The best TED Talks will provide that inspiration for you. Here is a list that you can bookmark of the most viewed TED presentations yet.
Bianca Pasare After completing her degree in Public Relations at Columbia College Chicago, Bianca previously was Content Promotion Specialist at G2. To take a break from everyday life, her adventures usually involve hiking in the mountains, attending music festivals, and eating great food.

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