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Mike Weir

Mike Weir is G2’s former Chief Revenue Officer and current advisor. Before G2, Mike spent eight years at LinkedIn, where he shaped Go-To-Market strategy and customer support for the Technology vertical, which helped LinkedIn Marketing Solutions become an industry-leading partner to the tech industry. Before LinkedIn, Mike led Marketing teams at technology companies which provides him a unique perspective as a Marketing & Sales Executive with 20 years in the technology industry. He is passionate about advancing the tech industry’s ROI measurement to show business impact and is a champion of driving Marketing & Sales alignment.


GTM Innovators 2023 Wrap-Up

Season 1 of the GTM Innovators podcast has been a journey of exploration and discovery, where I’ve...


Driving Impact With Customer Voice: 5 Takeaways from IBM’s Jill Cross

If you’re a B2B marketer or seller, you know that building buyer trust does not happen overnight.

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