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John Killoran

John Killoran is an inventor, entrepreneur, and the Chairman of Clover Leaf Solutions, a national lab services company. He currently leads Clover Leaf’s investment in Snowball Fundraising, an online fundraising platform for nonprofit organizations. Snowball was one of John’s first public innovations; it’s a fundraising platform that offers text-to-give, online giving, events, and peer-to-peer fundraising tools for nonprofits. By making giving simple, Snowball increases the donations that these organizations can raise online. The Snowball effect is real! John founded Snowball in 2011. Now, it serves over 7,000 nonprofits and is the #1 nonprofit fundraising platform.


A Guide to Crafting the Perfect Donation Thank-You Letter

If you’ve ever spent time fundraising, you know that thanking your donors is one of the most...

Contributor Network

4 Nonprofit Tech Tips for Better Donor Management

As a nonprofit professional, you've likely researched effective donor management strategies...

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