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Jasmine Lee

Jasmine is a former Senior Market Research Analyst at G2. Prior to G2, she worked in the nonprofit sector and contributed to a handful of online entertainment and pop culture publications.


5 Free EMR Systems For Hospitals

Hospitals are just as service-oriented as any other business, with the addition of daily navigating...


The State of B2B Tech in Raleigh/Durham for 2018

“I’m gonna wear that Carolina blue, baby.” — Viola Hastings, “She’s the Man” (2006)


The State of B2B Tech in Missouri in 2018

The AIM Institute, a nonprofit committed to building a community of entrepreneurs, innovators,...


The State of B2B Tech in Washington DC 2018

Tech isn’t tentatively making its way to Washington.


The State of B2B Tech in Atlanta in 2018

Move aside, Delta Airlines, you are not the only significant business presence in the city of...


What are Smart Cities and How Do They Work

In the Disney Channel Original Movie “Smart House,” protagonist Ben Cooper must come to terms with...


How Uber Leverages Supply and Demand in Their Pricing Model

Come New Year’s Eve (or any major event or holiday that ensures lots and lots of people need...


E-Commerce May Be King But It Needs Marketing to Draw In and Keep Customers

SEO-driven traffic wins. Top-of-funnel conversions. Nurturing relationships with influencers....


Best Free Digital Analytics Tools in 2019

One key to success for small businesses is understanding your customers well enough to anticipate...

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