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Jasmine Lee

Jasmine is a former Senior Market Research Analyst at G2. Prior to G2, she worked in the nonprofit sector and contributed to a handful of online entertainment and pop culture publications.


10 Best Free Slideshow Maker Software in 2024

The world is a never-ending slideshow reel.


The State of B2B Switzerland Tech in 2019

Switzerland’s startup scene is vibrant, exciting and expansive.


What Is ePHI? Examples, Compliance, Laws, and More

Health data is the lifeblood of the medical industry.


G2's Four-Point HIPAA Compliance Checklist

Whether you are a hospital, private clinic, ancillary health care services provider, or...


Health Care Operations: The Benefits of Effective Health Care Organization

Optimizing operations management is necessary for any organization in any industry.


What Is a Punch List? (+How to Effectively Use One)

“Where we're standing right now, in the ruins in the dark, what we build could be anything.”


How Realtors Benefit from Real Estate Software

The majority of real estate software benefits real estate professionals in their day-to-day duties...


What the 2018 Forbes Cloud 100 List Has to Say About the Current Trends in B2B Technology

This past week, Forbes published its third annual Cloud 100, a compiled list of the best private...


How Tech Giants Are Shaking Up the EHR Space

For all of the stereotypes that claim the health care industry is slow and resistant to change,...

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