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Akanksha Kumari

Akanksha is part of the Marketing team at Airmeet, with a unique set of skills - a razor-sharp interest in lead gen & market research combined with an undying passion for content & creative writing. When not creating impact through her content, you’ll find her reading, painting, or dancing.

Contributor Network

How L&D Events Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning and Growth

Let's be honest — corporate training has a pretty bad reputation. The words alone might conjure...

Contributor Network

Why Webinars Are a Powerful Learning & Development (L&D) Tool

Continuous learning is essential for both individual and organizational growth, and learning and...

Contributor Network

Strategies for Effective Event Lead Generation and Pipeline Development

At the heart of business growth lies lead generation and pipeline development.

Contributor Network

Top Virtual Event Trends Shaping 2024 and Beyond

In 1993, the first documented virtual event happened — an online trade show organized by the Visual...

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