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How to Amp Up Your Revenue Team: Insights from Industry Leaders

December 18, 2023

amp up your revenue

As the moderator of an insightful panel discussion at G2 Reach 2023, I had the unique opportunity to explore revenue strategies with executives from a few of G2’s partner companies.

The expert panelists included: Udi Ledergor, Chief Evangelist at Gong; Bryan Law, Chief Marketing Officer at ZoomInfo; and Diana Luu, Canada Country Manager & Senior Director of Strategic Accounts at LinkedIn.

Here are just three of the many takeaways from our discussion, helping B2B organizations think strategically about how they can best amp up their revenue teams. 

Embrace automation and vendor consolidation

Udi made a compelling point about automation, urging attendees to "automate away everything that can be automated” as a drive for efficiency. Viewing AI as an essential weapon in the modern sales arsenal, he highlighted the need for businesses to invest in AI tools that analyze and interpret data in real time, provide account and message recommendations, automate content creation, and facilitate more effective sales processes. 

Underscoring AI’s value for revenue teams, Udi noted: “We use generative AI to help the salespeople personalize every bit of outreach.” By eliminating human effort from repetitive tasks, resources can be redirected towards more significant, strategic roles in the revenue organization.

Another way to increase efficiency, Udi advised, is to consolidate vendors. In an era where technology rules and multiple vendors offer various services, managing and streamlining operations can become challenging and costly. By consolidating vendors, organizations can reduce expenditure, enhance productivity, and improve the buyer's experience.

Identify and leverage intent data

The conversation also touched on the importance of intent data, with Bryan explaining the different types to consider. Known Intent, he said, could stem from actions that explicitly demonstrate a clear interest in a particular product or service, such as a potential client subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a form, or asking for a product demo.

Champion Moves, on the other hand, refer to actions taken by decision-makers within the potential client's organization that indicate a high possibility of a purchase. 

By focusing on Known Intent and Champion Moves, companies can effectively engage potential clients, providing tailored experiences that can improve the client's journey and eventually lead to successful conversions.

To determine which type of Intent data to embrace, Bryan suggested, "You should first be starting with [answering] what is the strategy that you're trying to achieve?”

Ensure optimal utilization of data and technologies

In addition to Udi’s and Bryan’s suggestions to tap Intent data and AI for smarter, more efficient work, Diana discussed the need for technology to play an integral role in driving a rewarding customer experience.

She stressed the importance of evaluating technological tools, noting that any tool that does not aid the sales team in providing an improved customer journey should be deemed redundant.

Data should be used to help marketers validate their target audience, she advised,  creating effective messaging strategies. She pointed out how LinkedIn itself uses its own data to empower the sales teams, aiding them in identifying new buyers and engaging with the customer base.

Specifically, she shared: "We really evaluate all the tools that we have in place. And if it doesn't serve the sales teams in providing…a better customer experience, we just don't use them."

Accelerating revenue in 2024

Accelerating revenue is a focal point and major challenge among B2B organizations today – and I'm grateful to these G2 partners for sharing their advice on how to amp up the revenue team – making it easier for them to gain insights, coach, pivot, and move deals along faster.

My overarching takeaway from the discussion is that rapidly innovating and keeping up with industry shifts requires the interplay of technology, data, and alignment between teams. Keeping Udi’s, Bryans’, and Diana’s advice in mind for 2024, here's to a more efficient, and more aligned future!

If you missed it, you can watch this recorded panel on our G2 Reach site. 

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How to Amp Up Your Revenue Team: Insights from Industry Leaders At G2 Reach 2023, Christine Li moderated a panel discussion with G2 partners on how to amp up your revenue team to accelerate deals. Panelists included Udi Ledergor, Chief Evangelist at Gong, Bryan Law, Chief Marketing Officer at ZoomInfo, and Diana Luu, Canada Country Manager & Senior Director of Strategic Accounts at LinkedIn.
Christine Li Christine Li serves as the VP of Partnerships & Enablement at G2, bringing over 15 years of deep sales and marketing experience steering innovative B2B tech companies like LinkedIn and Bell Canada through transformative growth. Christine is also a passionate advocate for human rights and social justice, having co-founded a non-profit aimed at connecting youth to politics and leading a landmark campaign to redress the Chinese Head Tax in Canada. At home, she’s embarking on her biggest role yet as mom to a toddler.

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