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How to Turn Off Two-Factor Authentication on Your Mac and Make Login Easier

December 18, 2018

Two-factor authentication is a strategy many companies have begun to utilize to improve data and account security for their users.

The process is simple. You log in to your Apple ID, Gmail or otherwise using your username or email, and password. Some accounts will ask you to answer a security question. Normally, this would mean you’re in.

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With two-factor authentication, however, there is a next-step for added cyber security. This next-step can vary depending on the platform you’re trying to access. For Apple ID, the extra security step comes in the form of a code sent to a user’s alternate, authorized device. This can be their iPad, iPhone, etc.

Once Apple has sent you the verification code — which changes every time you trigger two-factor authentication — you enter it into the device you’re trying to access and then you are in!

Two-factor authentication is a good idea because internet security is exceedingly insufficient. There seems to be a new data breach every day that affects things like our Instagram privacy.

But if you’re frequently logging into your Apple ID on Mac and you’d rather remove the added step, let’s walk through how to do so.

How to turn off two-factor authentication on a Mac

Before you turn off two-factor authentication, it’s important to understand how this changes your login process. Without two-factor authentication, only a username and password are needed to access your account. You will not receive a verification code to access your account. 


If you forget your username or password, you will be required to answer security questions to regain account access.

With that being said, let’s get started.

1. Open up Apple ID

Begin by going to the Apple ID sign-in page. Log in to your account. You may have to use two-factor authentication to sign in. If you don’t receive your verification code, just click on where it says, “Didn't receive verification code?” and choose an alternate method of delivery.



2. Edit security features

Find the security page. For me, it is on the page I am taken to as soon as I log in. Underneath security, find and click the “edit” button.


3. Turn off two-factor verification

Underneath “two-factor verification,” you’ll see where it says “turn off two-factor verification.” You will see the pop-up window below asking you to confirm if this is what you’re meaning to do.

If this is what you would like to do, then click on “turn off two-factor verification.”


4. Create new security questions

Because you’ll be using security questions in the event of a forgotten username or password, you’ll want to create new ones. Make sure you choose security questions and answers you will remember.

You’ll also be required to verify your date of birth, as well as determine a rescue email. The rescue email is different from your iCloud email. In order to verify the rescue email, you'll have to enter a code that is sent to this email. Essentially, you'll have to use two-factor verification to remove two-factor verification.

Once you’ve completed these three steps, you’ll get an email verifying the feature has officially been turned off.

Verifiably easy

That wasn’t so bad, was it? Remember that you can easily turn it back on at any time by going back to the “settings” section within your iCloud account.

How to Turn Off Two-Factor Authentication on Your Mac and Make Login Easier If you're frequently logging in and out of your Apple ID, you may want to turn off two-step authentication on your Mac. This means one less step upon logging in. Read this helpful step-by-step guide to figure out how.
Grace Pinegar Grace Pinegar is a lifelong storyteller with an extensive background in various forms such as acting, journalism, improv, research, and content marketing. She was raised in Texas, educated in Missouri, worked in Chicago, and is now a proud New Yorker. (she/her/hers)

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