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How to Write a Thank You Letter for a Job Interview (+Free Templates!)

February 22, 2023

Thank you letter

To make a lasting impression, sometimes you need to let your guard down.

Sure, tolerating the heft of the corporate industry grows a thick skin on you. But you must never let go of the delicate and soft skin of empathy.  No matter how hard it gets, don't let go of who you are. Thank and greet everyone that meets you on the road to your dream job. 

A thank you letter tones down the stressful vibe of a corporate interview. It mellows down the tension and reinstates humanity. 

It sounds absurd to thank a corporate entity that didn't even bother to reply to your email. Numerous hours you punched in working up that assignment went down the drain. You swallowed your pride when the interviewer grilled you on the resume gap and didn't question him. But even after all that, it takes a firm hand to type a thank you letter. 

Amid the constant hitherto of interviews, spending time on a thank you letter might seem a waste. It's not. If you take that first step to writing with an AI assistant software, the rest would be a cakewalk.  You might be surprised at how well AI tools know about interviewers. 

It takes a tolerant heart to thank someone who turned you down. But you need to visit both sides of the story. Your interviewer might be dealing with thousands of applications. He deserves a "thank you" for even considering your application for an interview. He deserves a thank you as he set aside time to interview you. It's somber if you didn't get shortlisted for the role. But that wasn't the fault of the interviewer. It was the turn of events. 

Even after what happened, writing a note and clearing the air in between keeps you in their thoughts. Whenever the vacancy surfaces again, you would be their first pick. No doubt.

Let's uncover the magic of a thank-you wand. 

Why do we need a thank you letter?

Bearing the brunt of rejection isn't easy, but a thank you letter from either side lessens the effect.

Without putting your sweat and blood into the game, a dream job is a distant dream. Perfect opportunity won't come around the corner without adequate hunger and desire. Rome wasn't built in a day. It took years of rubble, hard work of laborers, and Laissez-faire to build it.

With such competition and urgency among today’s job candidates, how can your candidature attract the recruiting team?

That’s where thank you letters come in. What may seem old-fashioned, outdated, and maybe even corny to you could be a significant factor in a hiring team’s decision. And similar to a resignation letter, it sets a professional tone and comes off as respectful. No matter what your interviewer's attitude is, keep your slate clean. You need to establish kindness because it is a differentiating quality of a professional. 

These letters are your last chance to prove that this role means something to you. Once you walk out of an interview, you’ve really done all of the in-person convincing you could have done. But there’s one last opportunity to communicate with your potential managers and colleagues; you should be willing to go that extra distance.

To up your chances at landing the dream role, or maybe just the role before the dream role, we will talk through the importance of thank you letter.

Importance of thank you letter

There was a reason "thank you" gained cadence as a magic word. A woosh of thank-you wand can make even the strongest of hearts flutter. In the context of your interviewer, a thank you is ideal. Your interviewer took time off their busy schedule, reviewed your application, and evaluated your strengths and weaknesses. Whether you get the potential call of an offer or not, you need to draft a thank you letter.

A thank you letter to the potential or previous recruiter will keep you in good books forever. As you rustle your thoughts while emailing a recruiter, leave a little thank you notelet after you are bestowed with the opportunity.  The note re-iterates the points you spoke on during the interview, highlights the candor of your potential recruiter, and rubs them off the right way. It tells them how to carry the authenticity forward once you join their company. If anything, it only increases your chances of being selected. 

Another advantage of the thank you note is that it helps you touch upon missed conversation areas. Maybe there was a skill or a win you wanted to discuss, but in the heat of the moment, you forgot to do it. Ending the letter on a gratified note while talking about what was left can leave a lasting impression. It sends off confidence, packed with gratitude. 

Five reasons to thank the gesture of your interviewer:

  • Personal branding: A thank you mention tells everyone you are a respectable professional. It elevates your personal branding and keeps your application in priority.
  • Common etiquette: Thank you is a magic word that makes up for personal etiquette. It is a "go-to" conversation ender and needs to be initiated from both ends.
  • Cheerleading: You don't want to come across as ungrateful and ego-studded. Thank you letter is a way to cheerlead your interviewer's every move, whether they select you or not.
  • Professional circle: A calm and collected person is always spoken about. You can connect with your potential peers and build a great community with your kind gesture.
  • Closure: Sure, you can end a conversation or interview with an oral "thank you". But proper reciprocation is the name of the professional game. Get a closure, and at the same time, keep the door open for potential opportunities. 

How to send a post-interview thank you letter

After the interview, take some time to relax your "high." Drink water and convince yourself it has passed. Then, jog your memory to recall the highlights of the interview. 

Check whether you described your professional journey in clear words during the interview. Did you stutter or speak in an inaudible tone? Maybe your interviewer couldn't decipher your voice at one time and asked you to repeat the same stuff. Some realizations only occur once the interview is done. So take your time, rewind, and analyze your speech fluency. All of this will help you fine-tune your post-interview letter.

You won't repeat what you said over the call in the letter. It would seem a little off-centered and "out of nowhere." The thank you letter thank you should sum up the course of the interview. It should not reintroduce you as a professional. 

You can send a handwritten letter to the company. But, the best call would be just to put an email to your recruiter. Where hand-written letter sweeps everyone off their feet, you never know when it will reach the department. An email can reach them instantly without missing out on any ounce of emotion.

Another thing to keep in mind: do not send snail emails. What happens if you get a rejection email on Friday and they do not get your thank-you card until Monday? Had the card arrived on time, the decision might have been re-evaluated. 

Another pointer, your post-interview thank you letter shouldn't coax your interviewers. Stay at bay from using fancy words like, "as you know, I wear many medals on my chest" or "I have accumulated a huge share of the revenue for my previous company." In your recruiter's language, these are cues to lose your chances. Be thankful, appreciative, and lucid in your email content

Let's look at a rough wireframe of a thank-you letter. 

Components of a thank you letter

Like any letter or essay, thank-you letters typically take on a standard format. While yours can deviate and be unique, don’t stray too far from the norm. Thank you letters or emails shouldn’t include GIFs or pleas for the role. Try and be personal while also sticking to the script.


You can start by giving the letter a heading. This can include personal information as well as the company’s information. A heading should look something like the following:


Other candidates may skip the heading and dive straight into the message. This is a matter of preference. Think about the company you’re applying to and the personalities of the interviewers to help you decide how formal or relaxed your thank you letter should be.

Begin the letter with a normal greeting.


A “Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. + The Interviewer’s Last Name” is a standard format for opening the letter. Be sure to check that you’ve addressed the letter to the proper personnel.

In addition to that, remember that multiple interviewers mean writing multiple letters. The body of these letters should all be different in some way. If those interviewers were to compare messages, you don’t want them to find that you copied and pasted the same thing three times.


Next is the opening paragraph. In it, you should say something complementary regarding the conversation and restate the role you applied for. It’s possible that an employee interviewed for four different positions that day, so associating your name with the role you’re seeking is a good idea. 


Mention what excites you

In this paragraph, you can mention the role and what excites you about the opportunity. Did you learn something new about the position in this interview? Maybe mention it here. This proves not only that you’re intrigued by the opportunity but also that you’re a good listener.


Talk about yourself

In the letter's second paragraph, feel free to talk about yourself. Why does this role feel like a fit for you specifically? This should not be a drawn-out repetition of everything you mentioned in the interview. Instead, use it to wrap up some of your skills and relate them to the current opportunity.


Bring Up Something You Forgot

Another great thing about the thank you letter? Interviews aren’t perfect, and it’s possible you forgot to mention something that could really help make your case for being the best choice. The thank you letter can be a redeeming moment wherein you bring up that experience or skill that slipped your mind.

Again, don’t take too long to do this. You want to respect your interviewer’s time and understand they have their own work to do. But you also want your best foot out there, and it’s okay to dedicate some of your thank you letter to communicating some forgotten talents.

 bring up something

Give Thanks

Lastly, you should express your gratitude for being considered. I know. Job hunting is complex and arduous, and the last thing you feel like doing is thanking one out of a hundred companies you’ve applied to for even thinking about hiring you.

But I promise this gesture matters. It shows you don’t feel entitled to the position but are grateful they gave you a chance to try for it. As I’ve said, it’s also a chance to reiterate your interest in the role.

Hiring personnel often pause on a candidate because they don’t seem like they want to be there. While judging a person’s intentions may seem wrong, remember that’s literally what an interview is. It’s a company gauging whether a candidate is a good enough fit to take a chance. Companies especially want people who are going to stick around. For this reason, take 30 seconds to include a sentence restating your interest in the role at the bottom of your thank you letter.

give thanks

Include a Friendly Signature

Remember to resign your name at the bottom, with a handwritten and typed signature for a hard copy letter. Signing off is proper letter-writing etiquette and an opportunity to get your name in front of the hiring team again. 


Examples of thank you letters 

Each letter is unique to the writer who spilled their emotions on paper. While it is tough to replicate those emotions, here are some sample thank-you letters you can read before you start drafting one.

Thank you letter for a sales rep interview

So you interviewed for a sales position. This means your interviewer might be anticipating some words from your side after the interview. A salesperson is outspoken and confident. Let your words reflect the energy and zeal you might have showcased during the interview. 

Thank you letter for a product marketing specialist interview

They don't expect you to manage their product if you can't even chalk out a thank you email. Product marketers are fluent in communication and linguistic skills. And what better way to prove it than scribbling thank you notes in a stylish tone?

Thank you letter for a software engineer interview

Before setting a future in software coding, click your pen first. Software engineer interviews are really tricky to decode, as they expect a candidate to be an "unrealistic mix" of technical and soft communication skills. Prove to your potential interviewers that apart from Java and C++, you can also nail the writing game.

Thank you, next

Saying thank you for what others do makes us feel good and satiated. For every company you lend your resume to, thank you letters should keep getting printed, one after the other. Look at the bright side. Your letter-writing skills will reach the moon, and your interviewer is already looking at you from a distance.

If you are one of the recruiters, don't treat your candidates as outsiders. Learn how to provide a winning candidate experience to cement a great work culture.

thank you letter Say thank you to artificial intelligence!

Craft realistical looking letters with a touch of personalization with AI assistant software

thank you letter Say thank you to artificial intelligence!

Craft realistical looking letters with a touch of personalization with AI assistant software

How to Write a Thank You Letter for a Job Interview (+Free Templates!) A thank you letter leaves an evergreen impression on the recruiter you wish to impress. Learn what goes into the process and how to increase your chances.
Grace Pinegar Grace Pinegar is a lifelong storyteller with an extensive background in various forms such as acting, journalism, improv, research, and content marketing. She was raised in Texas, educated in Missouri, worked in Chicago, and is now a proud New Yorker. (she/her/hers)

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