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Tech (37)


35 Stock Trading Apps Revenue and Usage Statistics

After the pandemic, the stock market became the talk of the town. Many people on lockdown glued...


55 Sustainability Statistics for Decoding a Sustainable Future

Utilizing resources in such a way that future generations can still use them is the underlying idea...

Contributor Network

How to Prep Your Finances Before Applying for an SBA Loan

Running a small business is no easy feat. Just when you think you've got everything under control,...


K Nearest Neighbor or KNN Algorithm And It's Essence in ML

Algorithms drive the machine learning world.


Kubernetes vs. Docker: Which Is the Better Orchestration Tool?

If you're new to the world of containers, Kubernetes and Docker are two terms you've probably heard...


How Will Google MUM Affect Your Search Ranking In 2024?

Do you also burst into tears when you don't get the right responses to your searches? It can’t just...

Contributor Network

What Is Data-Centric Architecture? Reasons to Adopt It

For most of human history, it was widely believed that the Earth was the center of everything.

Contributor Network

6 Reasons You Need an Enterprise Application Server

Your organization’s digital offering - its software interfaces, websites, and applications - is...

Green Tech

Capturing Sunshine: Renewable Energy for a Bright Future

Carbon dioxide levels have been increasing in the atmosphere, reaching over 400 ppm. The last time...

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