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Research (8)


Cybersecurity Trends: 4 Biggest Security Threats for Businesses

In 2017 we witnessed some of the largest cyberattacks in history. Giant companies like Equifax,...


Risk-Based Authentication: The Future of Workplace Security

Risk-based authentication software(RBA), sometimes called adaptive authentication, is an emerging...


AI Trends: Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS)

There has been a paradigm shift in the way that businesses build their technology stacks in recent...


Digital Platform Trends: The Digital Ecosystem

Digital ecosystems can be thought of as a net underneath the emerging technologies featured in the...


What Is a Mesh Network? (+Impact, Examples, and Predictions)

Mesh networks are networks made up of devices and nodes (physical redistribution points which...


What is Edge Computing? (+How It's Revolutionizing Businesses)

Data is the driver for the internet of things (IoT). The collection, sending and processing of...


Digital Platform Trends 2018: Microservices Architecture

Microservices— a distinctive method of developing software systems and a departure from...


Digital Platforms Trends: Containerization

Containerizationandmicroserviceshave revolutionized cloud environments and architectures over...


What Is Serverless Computing? + Advantages and Predictions

Serverless computing, also known as serverless, is still relatively new to the tech scene, and it...

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