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Reach 2022

Did you miss Reach 2022? No worries. Check out these recaps of VIP masterclasses from G2’s third annual conference.


Fuel Your Demand Strategy With G2 Buyer Intent: Lessons From Jonathan Pogact and Robin Izsak-Tseng

Marketers and sales teams are up for some challenging times ahead.


How to Drive Efficient Growth With Demand Gen: A Conversation With Carilu Dietrich

Banking on demand generation to keep your business afloat?


Driving Customer Advocacy with G2: A Masterclass from Katlin Hess & Emily Malis Greathouse

The voice of the customer is indispensable when your product is outstanding.


How to Drive Growth Amid Uncertainty: Lessons From ZoomInfo CEO Henry Schuck

During our keynote session of G2 Reach 2022, I was excited to interview Henry Schuck, to discuss...


Not All Is Lost in SaaS VC: Tips from Salesforce Ventures, ICONIQ Growth, and Accel

A challenging macro environment. Capital efficiency. Growth rate retention. Valuation.


The State of Software in Marketing From GTM Partners and Chiefmartec

Software isn’t the answer to everything – just most things.


Leading Through a Downturn: Insights From CMOs at Zoominfo and Lacework

You can either drown or rise above to ride the waves.


How to Build a Brand: A Playbook by Bill Macaitis and Dave Gerhardt

“The brand is a fire that drives customers.” - Bill Macaitis


The Future of G2 from G2’s Godard Abel and Sara Rossio

Back in 2012, founder and CEO of G2, Godard Abel, was frustrated about the state of the software...

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