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Contributor Network (81)

Contributor Network

The Complete Guide on Turning Your Side Hustle Into a Full-Time Business

Some people have a burning desire to run their own business, but there are also those who prefer...

Contributor Network

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) Explained

Term frequency inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) is a contentious term frequently mentioned...

Contributor Network

What Is Data Migration? (+7 Steps to Successfully Complete It)

What is data migration, and why would a company consider such an undertaking?

Contributor Network

How Behavioral Biases Can Better Customer Marketing

Ever wondered why some marketing ideas spread overnight while others disappear into thin air?

Contributor Network

How to Use Twitter Lists to Leverage Twitter Marketing (+9 Ideas)

With an average of 265 million monthly users, Twitter is, hands-down, the platform to leverage...

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The Lifetime Value Multiplier: 7 Ways to Sell More to Existing Customers

If there’s one metric any company wants to increase, it’s customer lifetime value (CLV).

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How to Write an Eye-Catching Instagram Bio (+6 Tips)

Several years ago, no one could have predicted that Instagram would become the second most engaged...

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5 Mistakes New Startups Must Avoid

No two startups are the same, but there’s one thing they all have in common.

Contributor Network

What Is TikTok? (The Short Video Revolution)

I didn’t think I was old. Then, I tried to learn about TikTok.

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