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Contributor Network (65)

Contributor Network

How to Quantify Return on Investment (ROI) in Digital Marketing

The ultimate goal of all forms of marketing is a return on investment (ROI).

Contributor Network

The Moving Man Method for Broken Link Building (+5 Ways to Use It)

The increasing competition in the online marketing sphere makes it hard to get your content noticed.

Contributor Network

What Is the Skyscraper Technique? (+6 Step Checklist)

Most people still think that creating “great content” is good enough to rise above in SEO...

Contributor Network

5 Ways to Close Deals Faster With Contract Management Software

In the world of sales technology, CRM, sales intelligence, proposal generation, and sales analytics...

Contributor Network

10 Festive Holiday Email Marketing Tips for Success

Festive periods can be the most lucrative in a retailer’s calendar.

Contributor Network

Blind Hiring Is the New Recruitment Trend: Here’s Why

Did you know the average time recruiters take to scan your resume is six seconds?

Contributor Network

User Engagement Analytics for Long-Term Success

A company-wide understanding of user/customer engagement should be a standardized,...

Contributor Network

7 Steps to Perform an End-of-Year CRM Audit

Your CRM software is one of the best tools that you have for maximizing the utility of your...

Contributor Network

4 Ways to Improve Your Team's Mental Health (+Boost Morale)

Most business leaders and HR professionals understand the importance of team morale.

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