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Contributor Network (52)

Contributor Network

What Is Digital Adoption? Why It Leads to Positive ROI

Imagine you’re tasked with implementing a complex new CRM tool designed to transform your company's...

Contributor Network

5 Subscription Metrics You Need to Start Tracking

Subscription businesses are hotter than ever.

Contributor Network

Your Local Marketing Guide: Reach Customers in Your Area

Marketing locally is very different from reaching a global audience.

Contributor Network

Contract Risk Mitigation: 8 Best Practices You Need to Follow

If there is one thread you can follow through every organization and use to track the health and...

Contributor Network

Personalized Email Campaigns: 10 Ways to Nail Them

In a world where email marketing campaigns dominate every marketing effort and inboxes are filled...

Contributor Network

Intelligent Virtual Assistants: Improve Your Customer Service

In a digital-first world, where customer expectations continue to rise, more and more companies are...

Contributor Network

Drop Servicing: Everything You Wanted to Know and More

In current times, more and more people are thinking about starting an online business.

Contributor Network

What Is a Marketing Deck? Tips, Examples, and Templates

One of the frustrating things about marketing a brand or business is capturing your target...

Contributor Network

10 Advanced Marketing Strategies to Add Value to Your Business

Marketing a business online is not for the faint of heart.

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