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Contributor Network (18)

Contributor Network

Unified API: Bridging the Gap Between SaaS Applications

A unified application programming interface (API) is an API that serves as a layer of abstraction...

Contributor Network

How to Plan for a Successful HubSpot Implementation

Proper planning is vital for the successful implementation of HubSpot. By dedicating time to...

Contributor Network

AI for Sales: Benefits, Use Cases, and Challenges

In the evolving, digitally-driven world of sales, teams feel the need to stay competitive.

Contributor Network

Make Your Startup A Success With These 10 Startup Metrics

You can’t run a successful startup on gut instinct alone.

Contributor Network

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing an Applicant Tracking System

Hiring and retaining the right people is the single most important factor in successfully realizing...

Contributor Network

Event Data Collection: Turn Attendee Insights Into Strategies

As the digital world moves toward a cookie-free environment, marketers must source first-party...

Contributor Network

What Is Technical SEO? How To Avoid Mistakes Websites Make

Technical search engine optimization (SEO) can be daunting. It’s a discipline that’s so huge it can...

Contributor Network

How To Make a Donation Page: Tips and Fundraising Software

With nonprofit operations relying heavily on the digital fundraising sphere, it’s important to have...

Contributor Network

Product-led Sales: The Next Stage in your SaaS Growth Journey

Product-led growth (PLG) is a go-to-market strategy that centers on the product.

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