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3 JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2019

September 25, 2019

Being one of the most popular programming languages, JavaScript has a huge community of supporters and is used in almost any field from progressive agile websites to complex mobile apps.

The versatility of JavaScript is achieved due to a large number of frameworks and ready-made solutions. Just check the list of applications at GitHub or StackOverflow, and you’ll get the point.

In this article, we will tell you about the most popular and frequently used JavaScript frameworks and indicate the areas in which they can be applied. But first, let's pick up the basics.

JavaScript framework basics

Many of you are aware that there are basically two types of applications - native and hybrid. It’s not difficult to guess (according to their names) that those of the first type are more specialized solutions, while hybrid apps are universal tools with a wide coverage.

Native applications are developed using native programming languages ​​such as C++ or Objective C. This option may cost you a pretty penny. If you want your product to be present on various platforms (web, mobile, etc.), you have to pay for the development of each platform-specific solution. However, this method also comes with particular advantages. A native solution allows you to develop a product that fully reveals its capabilities and the system's scope.

Hybrid applications are more versatile solutions since they allow you to save on development and cover a large part of the market in a relatively short span of time. However, due to the fact that such applications do not have custom specifications, they often work slowly (on certain platforms) and cannot reveal their full capabilities to the user. Therefore, developers usually try to make hybrid applications simple.

JavaScript frameworks are the most popular tools for developing hybrid applications. StackOverflow's research shows that JavaScript frameworks occupy the first three places on the list of the most popular frameworks. So, what makes them so popular? Let's consider each of them in order.

TIP: Although they might sound similar, JavaScript and Java are completely different.


We start with the most widespread framework created by Facebook in 2013. Today, React is used to develop large and complex sites that handle a lot of data.

React’s popularity comes from many advantages, for example: 

  • Easy mastering is achieved due to the fact that the React code uses many HTML elements. This simplifies the process of language learning. Unlike Angular, which requires TypeScript knowledge, the HTML base of React makes it one of the easiest frameworks to dive in.
  • Universal code components can be used for any part of the application, which greatly simplifies the development process and saves a lot of time.
  • Versatility. React's popularity is explained not only by its simplicity but also by the fact that the framework is ideal for cross-platform development. If you want your product to run in both the web and mobile segments (including iOS and Android) - React is your best choice.

However, there are also disadvantages such as frequent updates. At first glance, this may seem more like an advantage, but experienced programmers understand what it means. The pace of React development is very fast. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor recent updates and implement them on time.

Nevertheless, React remains one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. Its scope is so wide that we will not dwell on this in detail since we'll need to write a separate article on this topic. React will work perfectly well for developing either a simple taxi service mobile app, or a comprehensive entertainment site where you need to dynamically save and process data, configure payment systems, and so on.  


Developed by Google in 2010, Angular had been the most popular JavaScript framework before React was born. It is based on the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture and has the same wide scope of implementation as React has now. Since 2016, Angular has been releasing updates once every half-year.

This framework is an excellent choice for solving almost any task due to the following advantages:

  • Backend optimization. The server side written in Angular works better because the framework reduces the load on it. This is achieved due to the fact that Angular serves only static files and is responsible for API calls.
  • Faster prototyping. Angular allows you to design a prototype with minimum coding, thanks to the WYSIWYG tool. Prototypes help companies collect feedback from early users, attract investment and make changes to the basic functionality of their product. If you expect to start your business and are thinking about prototype development, Angular is the best choice.
  • Responsive design. The development of responsive sites allows you to make your product multi-platform, and thus, cover a wider audience. Today, the responsive design directly affects your site’s UX and overall success.
  • Testing. Angular provides for your product testing. Tools like Jasmine and Karma make the testing process easier and faster, and therefore, you don't need to spend additional resources on debugging your product after development. 
RELATED: Find out all of the reasons why you should learn to code even if you're not a developer.


Vue was created by Evan You in 2013 and wasn’t very popular at first. However, today Vue is considered among the best frameworks, and even Chinese giants like Xiaomi and Alibaba have used it for their projects. 

Unlike the two previous frameworks developed and supported by Facebook and Google respectively, Vue was created by an individual developer. However, Vue successfully competes with React and Angular

So, which competitive advantages does this unique framework have?

  • Simplicity. The code structure allows you to quickly find blocks with errors and make edits. This, as well as the ability to create large-scale templates, makes the development process simple and quick. Beginners are also free to enter the community since Vue is easier to grasp than React (but this is only at the beginning).
  • Documentation. Like React, Vue uses clear and convenient syntax. Often, you only need to have an understanding of HTML and basic knowledge of JavaScript to start developing in Vue. This knowledge will be enough to create a simple application, but you will need to delve into the language if you want to create more complex products.
  • Integration. One of Vue’s killer features is that the framework is appropriate for both creating applications from scratch and integrating individual components into a ready-made code. Due to the ability to save the object’s details (style, structure, and logic) in one file, Vue allows you to develop agile components that can be used across various projects and templates seamlessly.

Is the future bright?

Definitely. JavaScript frameworks, especially the three above mentioned, will continue to be the most versatile tools for app development.

Most likely, Vue will continue gaining momentum in 2020 and catching up with React and Angular. If you are no longer a beginner in development, you already know React and Angular. Thinking about which framework to add to your tech stack, you should definitely choose Vue. 

Look at the entire list of solutions, complete with our grid, to compare JavaScript Web Frameworks software on G2. 

See the Highest-Rated JavaScript Web Frameworks Software, Free →

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