In some ways, gated content relies on that old cliche: you want what you can’t have.
Of course, gated content as a concept is a little more complicated than that, as are the underlying marketing principles at work.
Curiously, many of the assumptions we make about gated content turn out to be wrong. That’s why it’s important to take a sober, fact-driven look at how gated content can actually improve many of your current marketing initiatives, from increasing email opt-ins to building qualified leads.
Part of the reason we might underestimate what gated content can do for us is because the term itself is often widely used outside of business and marketing contexts. When most people hear the term “gated content,” they’re probably thinking about paywalls.
Commonly used by newspapers to encourage users to pay for the content they read, paywalls have become more and more prevalent over the years. And, to be clear, paywalls do create gated content. But they aren’t the limit of what gated content can be and don’t often apply to marketing goals.
When you create gated content, you are creating an impediment between a user and your content (that’s the gate, in this case). But that doesn’t always mean that the user needs to pay to access the content. Instead, you can create a wide variety of custom actions that will grant a user access to content you have created.
It might seem counterintuitive to take high quality content and make it harder to view. But most consumers and customers are more than willing to admit that content has value, and as a result, those same customers are usually willing to give up a little something in order to view that content.
Gated content is used in a wide variety of verticals. Some of the most common applications of gated content might include:
Image courtesy of Startup DevKit
In most cases, consumers and customers are going to be after thorough answers and fresh content. If you have either one of those to offer, then asking for something in return is not going to be seen as overly presumptive.
Which means that, in many cases, users who are committed to finding that information (and who, therefore, are good leads) are usually more than willing to offer an email address in exchange for good content. Some cases have shown that gated content can turn over 20% of readers into subscribers.
If gated content is not deployed or used properly, the consequences can turn quite negative quickly. Locked content can drive users and customers away. But when you use gated content properly (in a thoughtful and deliberate way) you can actually improve engagement and lead generation.
The following tricks should help your business use gated content in the right way.
One of the most common objectives for businesses creating gated content is to bolster subscriber lists. One company, called Whole Whale, was able to increase their email lists by over 100% by creating gates around content. The trick was making the consumer’s email address the entry fee for the content.
This has several benefits:
Whole Whale took their email-gated content to a new level in one important way: the double opt-in. Essentially, consumers were required to enter their email address in order to see the gated content. But they were also required to confirm their email addresses. This had the benefit of pre-qualifying leads while simultaneously improving subscription rates.
Image courtesy of Whole Whale
Using gated content to build email lists can be a remarkably effective way to build lead journeys and a loyal customer base all at the same time.
The old standby examples of gated content are usually white papers and articles. Those examples are around for a reason: they still work. But it’s important to think about newer technological trends as well. For example:
Placing webinars and podcast behind a gate is an especially popular strategy when the topics covered are complex and relevant. Webinars, for example, have the ability to cover topics in extraordinary detail.
It might be tempting, then, to take your most popular content (white paper, web page, or webinar) and put it behind a gate. But that’s not always going to be the best course of action either. Your team will want to be selective about gating content.
For example, content that is intended to raise brand awareness or the reach of your website would be wasted if it were gated. Additionally, gating content that is intended to be found via organic search engines, such as Google, would be catastrophic, as search engines often have a difficult time crawling content behind gates.
Instead, you should be selective about what content you put behind gates. Whole Whale saw a 62% increase in overall conversions thanks to gated content, a huge increase that they were only able to achieve because they were intentional about which content to lock.
Being selective about what content to lock becomes much easier when you have spent the time developing some very clear and tangible goals for your gated content. After all, gating content will only increase leads and subscribers when it is specifically designed to do so, from the information offered to the price of admission.
Developing clear goals is essential if your gated content is going to convert readers into subscribers or subscribers into leads.
Gated content, after all, must be worth whatever price you’re imposing in order to be successful. There might be some trial and error (or A/B testing) involved in ensuring that you are not asking a prohibitively high price or giving away your content at too low a cost. But the important thing to keep in mind is that if you are placing content behind a gate at all, that content must be worth the cost.
Therefore, when you create gated or locked content, your team should consider the following:
Landing pages are nice tools for navigation, especially if your customer needs some orienting. That’s why it’s common to see landing pages used for Google Adwords campaigns, for example. They’re perfect for when you want total control over the messaging customers or leads receive.
That’s why creating a landing page for your locked content can sometimes be a useful strategy. A landing page can:
A landing page might not be the right approach if you’re attempting to tailor each call to action or opt-in action to the page or information you’re offering. But if you’re taking a general approach to gated content, a landing page can help orient new users in a meaningful and strategic way.
For many businesses and companies, the strategy behind gating content is sound; it’s the execution that can be daunting. Thankfully, if you’re already operating on a WordPress platform, there are some plugins that can make the task of locking content considerably easier.
There are several plugins, free and premium, that can be used to lock content on your website. One of the most popular such plugins is called MemberPress. Boasting an incredibly easy setup and flexible access rules, MemberPress allows you restrict access to nearly any page on your website.
Image courtesy of Srmeharanclub
MemberPress is not the only option, of course, but most companies and business will look for a plugin that is:
Ideally, once the plugin is installed and working properly, your marketing and content teams should be able to lock and unlock content with ease. Your team will be able to monitor the relative success of various campaigns and adjust accordingly.
It’s curious that gated content tends to improve overall engagement. One would assume the opposite would be true, that gating content or locking it behind a wall of any kind would significantly diminish overall engagement statistics.
But case after case proves that gated content is more likely to produce significant, reliable, and qualified leads. This creates something of a win-win. Your customers and users get the benefit of the content you’ve created, and your business gets the boon of qualified email lists, all of which further enshrines your overall reputation.
If your company is not currently investing in gated content, it might be time to start looking into the possibilities.
Lizzie Kardon is a content marketer at Pagely, flexible Managed WordPress Hosting for high-demand sites.
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The decisions of performance marketers determine the course of a website's success.
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