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Vinod Janapala

Vinod is Senior Digital Marketing Manager at piHappiness. piHappiness is a top customer feedback software designed to collect customer feedback on Web, iPad and Android tablets. Vinod is keen on such topics as Marketing, Customer Experience, SaaS Challenges, and Personal Growth.

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Reduce Bounce Rate by Fixing These 7 Web Design Mistakes

It takes about five seconds for users to form an opinion about a website and decide whether they'll...

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How the Ministry of Consumer Affairs Uses Feedback Software

Since India has become one of the fastest-developing economies in the world, its poverty is on the...

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How to Use Customer Experience to Supercharge Your Sales

In a world where digitization leads the way in almost every sector, customers have developed a lean...

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7 Loyalty Program Types: Which One Is Right for You?

Entrepreneurs and business management experts have often reiterated that getting your first...

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Benefits of Using QR Codes to Collect User Feedback

Digital survey sharing methods like SMS messaging, emails, web intercepts, and chat link URLs get...

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