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Sagar Joshi

Sagar Joshi is a former content marketing specialist at G2 in India. He is an engineer with a keen interest in data analytics and cybersecurity. He writes about topics related to them. You can find him reading books, learning a new language, or playing pool in his free time.


21 Content Curation Statistics Revealing Its Importance

In a world where content is king, small businesses and startups often find themselves in an uphill...


30+ Digital Banking Statistics For Actionable Information

Modern customers expect faster, more diverse service options for digital banking. An omnichannel...


21 Asset Tokenization Statistics Showing an Optimistic Future

Asset tokenization is the process of representing real-world assets like real estate, art, or even...


49 Payroll Statistics Highlighting the Latest Trends

Payroll is a business enabler.


Shared Hosting: A Cost-Effective Way to Host Websites

Choosing a hosting plan is one of the first steps in building a website. The type of hosting you...


Headless CMS: Delivering Flexibility to Build Better Sites

A content management system (CMS) helps people manage and publish content digitally.


55 Software Development Statistics About the Latest Trends

Engineers develop software that makes our lives easier. A lot goes into their process because they...


46 Important Account-Based Marketing Statistics for Modern Marketers

Account-based marketing (ABM) is like spearfishing. You set a single target, rather than spraying...


Paid Search: Create Winning Ad Campaigns and Improve ROI

Paid search helps ads land directly on the search engine results page (SERP).

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