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Ryan O'Neil

Ryan O'Neil is a thought leader in the floral industry and is keen to share all the potholes he hit along the way of building his companies. Ryan and his wonderfully-creative wife, Rachael, founded Twisted Willow Design in St. Louis, Missouri as a wedding-focused floral company. From that experience, Ryan created Curate, a florist software that automates the entire “wedding folder.” Ryan has personally spoken with thousands of florists since starting Curate and is a constant source of candid advice about the industry. He’s the lead contributor to The Business of Events blog that shares all the details of how he and his wife started their shop and grew it into a lifestyle business.


How to Start a Floral Company (+5 Tips From an Expert Florist)

At some point in your floral career, you have to make the decision if you’re going to be a part of...

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