Zangre is a former Senior Research Specialist who helped with spearheading G2's expansion into B2B Services. He studied journalism at the University of North Florida — which is still undefeated in football — and joined G2 in 2016 when there was only one other “Andrew.” He has enjoyed contributing to newspapers and online publications while pursuing music and comedy projects in his free time.
That’s a nice new tower you have there, San Francisco.
The word “digital” may mean slightly less in an all-digital world.
History books will namedrop “emails” in the same breath as telephones and cave paintings.
Try as I might, sometimes I can’t avoid surfing the Twitterverse after a newsworthy moment to see...
Digital passwords have sneakily become a cornerstone of our daily lives. At work and play and...
We all know SaaS and IaaS. You can take a PaaS, or turn up the mBaaS. And we could all use a little
What seems like a lifetime ago, Myspace was my first exposure to the concept of "embedding."
You never forget your first game of shuffleboard.